|| 𝒯𝒽ℯ 𝓂ℯℯ𝓉 𝓊𝓅 ||

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       "My king" " mm thank you daddy" - Sal and Jacob ( listen to while reading⬆️⬆️)

(Chapter 2)


"So, we're heading to the pizzeria?" Sal asked. "Yep, do  you like pizza or nah? Cause we could go somewhere else like the taco truck near Queens boulevard." Sal shook his head. They continue to walk down the hill towards the pizzeria. It had been awkward for the past five minutes so Jacob decided to break the silence. "Do you play basketball by any chance?." "No..I'm more of a soccer fan." Jacob gives him a side eye.

"Bro, soccer sucks ass." Jacob mocks. "Excuse me, why?" 

"Well I mean, Basketball is way more difficult.", Sal laughs, "bro, are you dumb?" Jacob gives him a light punch on the shoulder. Their pizza had arrived and they ate their food. Sal was hungry the entire day, so of course he ate like a pig(not surprised). "Damn, why you eating so fucking fast?" Jacob asked. "...I'm just hungry?." "Right..". As they finished their food, they decided to head out to park.

When they were walking to the park Sal said " Hey uh, do you want to exchange numbers so we can text more? Only if you want." Jacob turned to him with that beautiful burger sized mole (that had prob dubbed in size from the food they ate.)and said "Yea bro." After they exchanged numbers they went back to Jacob's group of friends. After a couple of moments Jacob started yapping about basketball while Sal and the other people listened. Sal decided to speak up "Does anyone here like soccer?". One of Jacob's friends named Avi said "ehh I prefer basketball." Everyone else in the group agreed and Sal just sat there. After Jacob stopped yapping, Sal and the rest of the group had to leave.

As Sal was walking home he got a text from Jacob. He thought is was going to say something like thanks for hanging out with me today or today was fun but no. He opened the message and it said

 Jacob: 'Hey I want to ask you something, but don't feel pressured to say yes.'

'To not feel pressured?..' Sal thought to himself, he was confused on why he said this.

Sal: 'huh?'

Jacob: 'Would you wanna come over for dinner tomorrow night. 🍔'

Sal: 'oh sure, ig I'll see you tomorrow night, byeeee'

Sal was pretty happy, he smiled at his phone and blushed a bit.

(Time skip to the next day, Thursday.)

"SO, HOW DID IT GO?"  Screamed Leah, she was atleast a few inches shorter than Sal, so Sal had to adjust himself to look at her. "I mean..it went well, we exchanged phone numbers." "Yo, that's actually so cute." Sal chuckled, Leah and him both met during 7th grade. They would always shared their secrets with each other and do the most dumbest shit too.

Leah was also probably the only person who knew that he was bi, she is Demi and bi-gender, and would sometimes get made fun of often because of this but she doesn't give a fuck. 

"I can't believe you hanged out with Jacob, he's like the hottest guy in school, well that's what I heard from Cory.." "You know how Cory is..always falling for every boy she meets." Leah gives Sal a side eye. "Girl you should not be talking.."  Cory is one of Sal and Leah's friends, she is usually to be thought as one of those people who always judge you, though this is half correct she is also sweet and caring about her friends. 

Sal shook his head.

"What do you mean?.."


Sal blushed at that, "bro, shut the fuck up." Leah laughed. "Sorry man, but I see it in your eyes. It's quite obvious, well to me at least."  'Is it that obvious?..'Sal thought to himself. "Whatever, we should head to lunch and meet the others." Walking to lunchroom would take quite a while since they were on the 3rd floor, each one of the stair wells were always full of traffic from the students trying to get out. Always filled with smell of cigarettes or flavored vapes. If you stayed long enough in the stairs, once you came out, you smelled like full on blue raspberry vape.

Once they were able to head to the lunch room, they saw their friend group. Sitting on the far left is Kayla, she was messing with Cory and playing with her hair. In the middle, Cory. She was yelling at Kayla to let go, while on the right was Emi. She was laughing at the situation and across from them in the middle was Maria, watching the entire scene.

"Hey Leah, hi Sal!!" Yelled out Maria. They waved back and sat next to her on both sides. "OH MY GOD! KAYLA LET GO!" "Nope!~". "What the fuck is going on?" Asked Sal as he watched Cory and Kayla argue. "Uh well..Kayla started messing with Cory's hair.." Maria answered.

"BAHHAHA, THIS IS FUCKING FUNNY!" Yelled out Emi. "Damn Emi, you're turning red." Leah chuckled. As they sat their laughing their asses off, Sal could smell a strong scent of cologne. He turned around to the touch of someone grabbing his shoulder only to see a tall guy with an ice cream cut.

(892 words)

(Thank you for reading the second part, it took me and others forever to write and to gain some ideas. Please vote for this story, thank youuuu!)

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