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Bearberry dashed through the battlefield, her wings beating with vigor. Adrenaline ran through her jam blood she let out a wail. Defeated dragons littered the blood-soaked ground; Bearberry had much difficulty avoiding them. They were fallen soldiers, she could never walk over their remains.

The egg! I need to get to the egg!

The dragonkin panted, a wheeze escaping her throat after every breath she took. Her mind was racing with worry. Would she die on the way to her egg? If she survived, would she find the egg broken? Bearberry had no clue. All she knew is that she was petrified. Her claws sunk into the dark ground, being able to temporarily escape the unnecessary conflict.

They're fighting. For no good reason either. Bearberry thought, a sigh escaping her lips. She continued her journey to the cavern, up in the humid mountains.

Bearberry blinked gently. She climbed the rocky mountainside, fear running through every nerve in her body. Her claws ached terribly. Her eyes felt heavy, sleep wanting to take her over. She looked down behind her, seeing the groups of copses and thickets below. She felt her heart start thumping as she saw the horrifying battle below.
Focus. Don't... don't be scared. Deep breaths. Bearberry thought, her body shaking. She looked around as she approached the top.

Bearberry shook her body, stretching her wings and legs. My egg! Her eyes shot wide as she ran to the cavern. The stench of fresh moss and recently-picked feathers filled her nose. Bearberry gently grabbed the egg, holding it close. It's safe. Safe...

Bearberry's heart dropped to the deepest depths of the ocean as a loud cracking sound echoed throughout the den. She blinked, her eyes going as wide as lily pads. Did... did I break it? I couldn't have! The dragonkin let out a wail, putting the egg back. She backed away, anxiety tugging at her body. That egg was precious to her. It was her child.

The egg's scarlet red shell now had the pattern of shattered ice. A talon. Then the tip of a tail. It's hatching! It didn't break! Bearberry huddled close to the egg, keeping it warm. She reached her talons to the egg. Bearberry swore that, when she looked away, a small baby dragonkin had appeared. His eyes were wide with curiosity, ears flat. His eyes were a menacing blue. He had the white hair of his father, with scales as red as fire.

"Hi there..." Bearberry cooed gently, tears filling her eyes. The dragonkin blinked at her, letting out a tiny sound. Bearberry felt a smile creep up on her face as tears streamed down her face like rain. He's beautiful. She blinked, before looking around. "I need a name for you."

Bearberry sat on the stone floor, a sigh escaping her mouth. She looked around, thinking. Her long, sharp talons scarred the ground. I need to make them less sharp. To keep my son safe. Her eyes widened after a while. "I have a wonderful name for you." She spoke gently to her son, her voice as soothing as honey.

"I will name you Firethorn."

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : May 04 ⏰

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