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Hello fairies!♡

So, it is an early update for all the readers who like the story. ❤️

“if you want to be stubborn, then be ready. We are getting married on our way home. Let’s see what that coward will do then”.

He knows that he is being strict and acting like a complete asshole at this point, but he is doing this all because he can’t let anything harm her. Inaya is precious to them. At first, when they found out something is happening with Inaya. Someone is torturing her mentally. He was going to find out who he is and what he wants, and why he is doing all this to her. He was ready to appoint more bodyguards and was going to get more security. But the words left her mouth a few minutes ago didn’t settle well with him. He is furious. He is in rage. He wants to kill that person, but Inaya is not helping, so the only thing he can do is protect her if she is married and he can’t trust anybody at this point so he himself will marry her. Let’s see what that person will do when he finds out that Inaya is married.

“And try to deny it, and you will never be in within 10 feet around Hayat," he added and went out, slamming the door shut behind him. He is being stupid. He knows threatening will lead a more fear in Inaya and using Hayat is not a nice move for a grown-up man, and that too for a person who is going to be announced as a Nawab in 5 days.

Inaya was shook to the core. She is already dealing with that asshole and now Shehreyar being stubborn. She can’t put two more lives in danger with herself, but how can she tell this to Shehreyar how to make him understand. Their parents will never approve of this marriage, and she is sure of that. But how can she tell them about marriage without telling them about her nightmares. How can she tell them that she is suffering so much from 6 years. How will she?

She started crying, hugging Hayat. Her silent cries turned into sobs, and that woke Hayat up. Seeing Inaya crying Hayat too started crying. Hearing them, all the cousins rushed into the room. Ali, Ibrahim, and Shehreyar are not there. As they are in the parking lot discussing everything. Mahrukh hurriedly walked towards Inaya and took Hayat from her. Shahveer hugged her and asked what happened. And she told them what Shehreyar has said. Shahveer is fuming, and others were shocked. They never thought Inaya and Shehreyar together. Yes, at one point, girls were thinking maybe Inaya is interested in him, but seeing her crying their doubts are clear that sure she loves Hayat but not Shehreyar.

“I will talk to bhai. How can he take decisions for everyone’s lives, and I will not let my sister marry a man who thinks that everyone is his puppets to control” Shahveer said angrily. That’s another shock for everyone. They never thought he would say something like that, that too about Shehreyar. Sure it’s a shock about Inaya and Shehreyar’s wedding, but Shahveer talking like this is more shocking. Hamza and Abdullah couldn’t take this anymore. Hamza went towards Shahveer and grabbed his collar, and shouted “enough of your bullshit Shah. You can’t disrespect bhai like that. "

Shahveer, who has his arms around Inaya, stood up and grabbed Hamza’s collar and shouted back “why so angry Hamza? He is a narcissistic man. He does as he prefers. He is to be the Nawab Shehreyar Farooqi, and that title is going to his head. He is taking decisions as if we are mere servants for him. First, he took the decision of my marriage to Ramsha now that he himself wants to marry my sister. I will not take any more orders from him. I wi-" Before he could finish, Abdullah punched him. Everyone gasped. Abdullah raised his hand to punch him again when Ryan and Mahrukh intervened. “Abdullah this is not the time to get angry," Ryan stated strictly. “What-” Mahrukh started but got cut off by Shehreyar “What is happening here?”.

Hamza left Shahveer’s collar as soon he heard Shehreyar’s voice. Ali and Ibrahim look at them with wide eyes. What makes them more shocked was blood dripping from Shahveer’s lower lip. “Bhai I think you should consider your decision of marrying Inaya” Abdullah said calmly yet seriously. “I know it’s hard for you all to accept, but we don’t have any choice” Shehreyar stated, not looking at anyone. He is now regretting coming back. He regrets the decisions he took. He heard everything Shahveer said, and he, the man who never was ashamed of his decisions , regretted everything.

Abdullah and Hamza, who never saw their brother like this, are worried. And more over, they didn’t like this even a bit. Both of them stepped towards Shehreyar and Abdullah, keeping his hand on Shehreyar’s left shoulder said “no matter what, bhai, I am with you even if nobody is”. Hamza agreed and put his right hand on Shehreyar’s right shoulder, and Ibrahim and Ali too put their hands on Shehreyar’s shoulders, agreeing and indicating they were with him too.

Shehreyar smiled a bit and nodded at his brothers. He saw towards the girls, and they all nodded too with a bit of smile. His eyes landed on Shahveer, who doesn’t look at him once. “I know it’s difficult for you to accept everything, Shah. And I will do everything to ensure your sister’s safety, and if you have any other options, do tell me. I will step back from marriage and accept your decision” Shehreyar said calmly.

“Hina doctors will be here to remove Inaya’s IV. We will wait outside” Ali said to Hina, who nodded back in positive. All the men went out with Shahveer behind them. “Bhai I’m sorry” Shahveer said with shame in his voice. “It’s okay, Shah, and what I said inside is still on” Shehreyar said calmly with a tired sigh. “Bhai you should call dadu, taya abbu, and chachu. At least they should know at least it’s the matter of the Nawab family. We are their children” Ali suggested maturely. Shehreyar nodded and agreed with him.

“I’m sorry about earlier. I give my permission to this marriage”


Here you go, folks. Tell me if you like this chapter, and if not, still tell me. Be safe and be happy. You have only one life to live. 

💟🖇🌺💟 -imaginationstowordz

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