Act 12

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After a whole day of intense legal battling, your father would temporarily be in the Fortress of Meropide for the time being as the case would be moved at a later date. The case had come to a standstill because of further verification needed to prove the truth of documents that Montclair possessed. Not only that, the jury needed to carefully and objectively assess the definition of aggravated assault in alignment with the circumstances of the case until they can fairly help assist the Iudex through a conclusion that served justice to all. Though winning seemed improbable due to your father's undeniable transgression, mitigating his punishment was a daunting task, especially given the formidable opposition on the other side of the Epiclese.

Yanfei made it clear that the moment Henri's documents were laid before the Iudex, the standard penalty for your father's crime could be circumvented. It was the key all along when he showed that to court. All that remained was to authenticate these documents and produce credible witnesses surrounding the altercation. The most challenging aspect was verifying the authenticity of the official authentication stamps, which appeared genuine. And maybe, just maybe, your dad's penalty would be reduced. It wasn't like he'd get away completely scot-free assaulting someone of high-class but a shortening of his punishment was sufficient for you to call it victory. In your mind, it was probably still for the best that your dad remain confined in the Fortress of Meropide. Not because you wanted him to suffer, but because you urgently wanted him to reflect on himself inside there. 

You didn't forget to share your gratefulness towards Yanfei for her service. She was going to leave Fontaine the day after tomorrow. 

"Your mother is in Liyue? I'll be sure to keep my eyes open if we cross paths," was what Yanfei said as she shook hands with you before she would depart on the boat she took to get here to another area.

"Would it be alright if you assisted us again by the next hearing?' You really needed her help. Being composed in that room full of watchful and judgmental eyes wasn't what you were accustomed to. Amused and entertained expressions from your customers because of what you cooked, maybe. But never something like this. 

"You can contact me anytime you wish, Y/N. After the the events of today's case, I think we're all in for the ride in pursuit of saving your father."

"I grew sick of hearing that Montclair fellow's mouth talk over and over about his pitiful state. It will really be satisfying if we could prove those injuries don't exist." Furina looked like she had the urge to stomp the heel of her shoe into the ground with the intent to stab it and get penalized as a result. 

As you stand there, you hope Yanfei wouldn't notice the subtle tells of your inner turmoil. Her posture is impeccably straight and shoulders squared. You hoped further she can't detect the slight tremble in your fingers, betraying your calm facade. Amidst everything that happened, a lot also happened in your mind. What of your dad? What of your mom? What kinds of things would your dad experience in prison? Those thoughts would consume you at some point. The darkest of nights, times when you're alone, or just everywhere at once.

Despite those never-ending tenebrous reveries, your gaze remains steady on your legal savior for the day, but every now and then, it flickers, darting away for a fleeting moment before returning. Struggling to keep focus, your mind perhaps racing with a thousand thoughts you wish you could silence.

Furina's hand palmed your shoulder with the softest touch you've ever received. Getting knocked out from a dream-like state, you swiftly tilt your sights to her as she offered you a sympathetic smile, almost involuntarily. She must've sensed you felt troubled and wanted comfort. 

"Let's get slices of cake after this?" Furina proposed as tenderly as she could as if she was handling an infant. It insulted you a bit but you knew deep down she was this caring towards everyone she worried for. The girl you like. No, the woman you like was offering you her support. The woman that was able to see you for what you could be and who you are.

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