𝐏𝐀𝐑𝐓 - 3

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Hie Barbies

It was the next day when Tae returned from work, anticipating a moment of relaxation after a long day. However, what he found was far from pleasant. As he stepped into the living room, his eyes widened in shock at the sight of his bedsheet torn into thin strips, scattered across the floor and draped over the furniture.

Rushing into the bedroom, his heart sank even further at the sight of kook attempting to cut the mattress with a pair of scissors. Reacting swiftly, Tae moved to intercept, gently but firmly taking the scissors from kook's grasp before any further damage could be done. With a heavy heart, Tae gently scolded kook, his tone a mixture of disappointment and concern.

"Kook, what were you doing huh?"...he asked softly, trying to understand what had led to this destructive behavior.

''i wash rweally bore''...kook tried to explain

''bore doesn't mean you will cut bedsheets baby''...tae tried to explain as well while kook pouted

Seeing the remorse in Jungkook's eyes, Tae couldn't help but feel a pang of sympathy, but he knew that some form of discipline was necessary.

"Because of what you did, no milkies for two days''...he stated firmly yet with a touch of sadness, knowing how much comfort it brought kook.

''NWOOOOOOOO''...kook's eyes widened in dismay at the punishment, the gravity of his actions sinking in. Though it pained Tae to enforce such consequences, he hoped it would serve as a lesson for kook to understand the importance of respecting their belongings and making better choices in the future.

''BWAD MOMMY''...As kook whined and retreated to the corner, hiding his face in his hands while sobbing, Tae's heart ached with a mixture of guilt and resolve. He knew kook was hurting, but discipline was essential, especially as kook's behavior seemed to escalate each day.

Ignoring the urge to comfort him immediately, Tae took a deep breath and headed for a quick shower, his own emotions a jumble of concern and regret. It pained him to see kook so upset, but he also knew that allowing such behavior to go unchecked would only lead to more trouble in the future.

Upon emerging from the washroom, Tae found kook still curled up in the corner, his sobs echoing softly in the room. Despite the tug at his heartstrings, Tae maintained his resolve and chose to ignore kook's distress, feeling a pang of guilt but knowing that consistency was crucial in enforcing discipline.

With a heavy heart and a slight pout, Tae lay down for a quick nap, the weight of the situation lingering in the air. Though he longed to comfort kook, he knew that allowing him to see the consequences of his actions was a necessary part of their journey together.

After a while, Tae felt gentle hands on his body, the sound of kook's sobs gradually fading away. Though Tae could sense Jungkook's presence, he refrained from acknowledging him, opting instead to allow kook to make his own decisions.

As kook worked to pull Tae's top up, Tae felt a surge of warmth and affection for the little, a silent acknowledgment of his desire for comfort and reassurance. With a soft smile playing on his lips, Tae allowed kook to continue, understanding that sometimes, actions spoke louder than words.

Before long, Tae felt kook's eager mouth latching onto his buds, greedily seeking solace and familiarity in their shared intimacy. Despite the earlier tension, Tae couldn't help but feel a sense of contentment wash over him, grateful for the unspoken bond that existed between them, even in moments of discipline and challenge.

After a while tae's hands moved to kook's hairs softly carraseing his scalp he opened his eyes and saw dry tears on his face he felt sad but he was too helpless he gently spoke up.

''Didnt I told you to not have them you sneaky bunny''...tae playfully glared at him who pouted halting in his actions.

''fine, i am not taking them away but promise me you won't do anything like that okay!?''...he asked in Stern voice while kook showed him his pinky finger making tae to curl his little fingers with kook's.

''wanna sleep, bub?''...asked tae gently While kook nodded yawning cutely

Tae enveloped kook in a warm embrace, pulling him close to his chest. kook nestled into Tae's cleavage, seeking solace and comfort in their closeness. In the safety of each other's arms, they found a sense of belonging and security.

As Tae held kook, he could feel the tension slowly melt away, replaced by a profound sense of love and affection. With a contented sigh, kook drifted off to sleep, feeling cherished and protected in Tae's embrace, their bond stronger than ever before.

In night at the cozy glow of the kitchen, Tae bustled about, preparing dinner for the two of them. kook perched on a kitchen stool, his eyes sparkling with excitement as he animatedly talked about his toy cars.

"You know mommy my carsh names?''kook exclaimed, his voice filled with enthusiasm.

''no baby, tell me what you named it''...asked tae with excitement

"I named my favorite car 'Iron Men' because it's so fast, just like him!"...he said clapping his hands.

Tae couldn't help but chuckle at kook's imaginative naming choice, his heart swelling with affection for the playful little beside him. As he listened to Jungkook's stories about his toy cars and their adventures.

As Tae finished cooking, he plated the food and settled onto the stool next to kook. With a fond smile, he began to feed kook, who was so engrossed in his storytelling that he hardly noticed the food being offered to him.

With each bite, kook's chatter continued, his excitement palpable as he recounted the adventures of his toy cars. Tae listened attentively, his heart swelling with affection for the lively little.

To Tae's delight, kook finished all his food, completely unaware of the meal disappearing in the midst of his animated tales. With a contented sigh, Tae watched kook with a sense of happiness and fulfillment, grateful for these precious moments of connection and shared joy.


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