𝐏𝐀𝐑𝐓 - 2

640 39 12

Hie Barbies

The next morning, Tae awoke to the gentle warmth of the sunlight streaming through the curtains. Blinking away the remnants of sleep, he glanced down to find kook nestled beside him, his small frame curled up against Tae's side, one hand instinctively squeezing Tae's boobs.

A soft smile graced Tae's lips as he admired the peaceful expression on kook's face. Leaning down, he pressed a tender kiss to the crown of kook's head, feeling a rush of affection for the sweet soul beside him.

With a reluctant sigh, Tae gently extricated himself from kook's embrace and made his way to the washroom to freshen up. As he splashed water on his face, the events of the previous night lingered in his mind, a mixture of fondness and exasperation.

Feeling rejuvenated, Tae headed to the kitchen to prepare breakfast, the aroma of freshly brewed coffee and sizzling eggs filling the air. He hummed softly to himself as he worked, the rhythmic clinking of utensils a soothing background to his thoughts.

As he sat down to enjoy his meal, Tae couldn't help but steal a glance back at the bedroom, where kook slept soundly, a peaceful smile gracing his lips. With a heart full of love, Tae savored the quiet moment, grateful for the simple joys of togetherness that each new day brought.

Midway through his meal, Tae's senses were jolted by the sudden sound of loud crying echoing through the apartment. Dropping his fork, he rushed to the bedroom, his heart pounding with concern.

As he entered the room, he found kook lying on the bed, tears streaming down his cheeks, his cries echoing like those of a distressed toddler. Tae's heart clenched at the sight, a wave of worry washing over him as he hurried to kook's side.

Kneeling beside the bed, Tae gently reached out to stroke kook's hair, his touch a soothing balm to the younger's distress. With a pang of realization, Tae sensed that kook had slipped into a younger headspace, a sudden shift that caught them both off guard.

Fighting back his own concerns, Tae wrapped kook in a comforting embrace, murmuring reassurances and gentle words of comfort. Slowly, kook's cries began to subside, his sobs tapering off into soft whimpers as he found solace in Tae's presence.

Together, they remained in the quiet sanctuary of the bedroom, Tae offering unwavering support and understanding as kook navigated the unpredictable terrain of his emotions.

"Shhh, shhh, baby, calm down''... Tae whispered soothingly, his voice a gentle melody meant to ease kook's distress. Yet, despite his efforts, kook's tears continued to flow unabated, his emotions too turbulent to be assuaged by mere words.

With that tae immediately removed his top and laid down guiding kook's mouth to his nipple who immediately latched sucking greedily like he was so hungry even though tae doesn't produce any milk but kook always get calm by his milkies and tae always do this when he cry so much in his toddler state. Tae hummed and carrased his back as kook closed his eyes suckling on his bud while squeezing other in between.

After a while of snuggling together, kook slipped away from Tae's bud, his tiny voice breaking the silence.

"Hwello, mommy''.... kook greeted, his words slightly muddled, as he planted messy kisses on Tae's chin, eliciting a fond smile from Tae.

"Kook, what's your age, bub?"....Tae inquired gently, curiosity laced with a touch of amusement, as kook proudly displayed four tiny fingers. Tae nodded in understanding, recognizing that kook often regressed to this age during his toddler states.

"Are you hungry?"....Tae asked with a tender concern, watching as kook nodded eagerly, his eyes wide with anticipation.

"Let's get you some food, hmm?"... Tae suggested, already planning their next steps, but as he moved to sit up, he felt something damp against his skin. Looking down, he discovered the cause of the wetness, prompting a pout from kook.

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