Dolphineesha's Day of School

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BRINNNNG BRINNNNNG BRINNNG Dolphineesha's alarm went. She quickly slammed the snooze button. "Today's the day these bitches get socked in the throat" said Dolphineesha as she walked to her wardrobe. She picked worn out Nike shoes with a blue Adidas sweatsuit. She peeped out her window to see her friends waiting for her.
She applied her deodorant, grabbed a hair tie and went downstairs to buzz in her friends. "You ready to get that girl?" One of her friends asked. Dolphineesha chewed then swallowed her cereal. "Yes, and I think she certainly is gonna be in for a surprise, cause she been begging for this ass whooping for a long time." Dolphineesha finished her cereal and put it in the sink. "Let's go" Dolphineesha said to her friends. Then they were on their way to school. The road was torn and the blinds in the windows of the apartments where ripped and torn. On the streets you saw people, uneducated people doing drugs, and getting high. "Hey there sexy mama" Said a Rapist. One of the friends punched him in the face, the girls ran and turned the corner. Luckily their school was only 5 blocks away, so it wasn't that far of a walk. Dolphineesha didn't bring her book bag cause she knew she would leave as soon as she got her rounds in. "If that principle get in the way he can get it too" said Dolphineesha. Her friends laughed. Immediately when they entered the school doors she saw the girl. Dolphineesha walked up. "Hey Quastacia" (Ka-Stay-She-A). Said Dolphineesha. Suddenly a crowd formed around them. Quastacia turned around. "What bitch." Said Quastacia. -dead silence- "I heard that you been talking about me, saying how I'm on welfare, and how I'm ugly." Said Dolphineesha. "That's true hoe... You gone do something about it?" Dolphineesha folded her arms. She Reached back her hand, balled up a fist
, then socked the girl in the face. "BITCH!" Said Dolphineesha. Dolphineesha gripped the girls weave from Biglots, then started punching her in the head. The girl punched Dolphineesha in the stomach, but she ate it. She pushed the girls head down then kneed her in the face. Then they were on the floor. At first the girl was on top, but then Dolphineesha found a way to get on top. Five punches in the face was the trick. The girls eye swelled up. Dolphineesha got up, stomped on the girls face twice. The girls nose was bleeding, and her face was red. Parts of her weave was missing. The boys laughed and help up the girls ripped weave. Dolphineesha spit in the girls face and left. Dolphineesha went to her locker, grabbed her pink Beats solo 2, her gum, and her backup phone and strutted out of the school. "Bye bitches" said Dolphineesha. Sticking up the finger and patting her head. Dolphineesha waved to her friends and blew a kiss to them. They gave her a friendly thumbs up as a good job, then went to class..

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 03, 2015 ⏰

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