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" hey has anyone seen dazai lately ? " atsushi asks, he sounds concerned, this worries everyone at the agency automatically.

dazai is the type to just randomly disappear every once in a while, all his co-workers know that. most times he doesn't even show up for work, but its unusual that he's disappeared for this long..

yosano replies quietly yet rapidly, " i don't think any of us have really, its been a while since hes came to work. "

" should we look for him ? " kenji interrupts suddenly, " we should, it makes me uneasy knowing that suicidal maniac hasn't been here for a couple days, " kunikida says, he pauses momentarily before continuing,
" we should ask boss first before anythi- "

and just like that, he was interrupted by the male they were worrying about less than five minutes ago.

dazai slammed open the door, seeming happier than he usually is. its unsettling.

" dazai where have you been ?! do you know how worried our whole team was about you ?! " kunikida yells, directly into the bandaged mans face, as per usual. dazai just laughs at him, as per usual.

" well at least i'm here now, aren't i ? " dazai completely brushes kunikida off, practically hopping to his desk and starting on some paper work while sitting down with a huge smile on his face ... weird.

" wow dazai actually doing his work for once? that's a rare sight ! i wonder what has motivated him so much" ranpo yells from his desk with a smug grin on his face.

oh something is definately up.

everybody exchanges looks, they all know something is up. but the agency know their own boundries, they won't ask, they'll simply wait for dazai to tell them if something is really going on, he's a genius, he knows what hes doing.


fukuzawa walks into the agency office after maybe 45 minutes of dazais arrival, everyone at the agency turn their attention to him immediately.

though he really doesn't say anything, he just walks to kunikida, they whisper back and forth for a bit before fukuzawa leaves.

kunikida leaves the room momentarily, but comes back with a bunch of packets. they almost look like ndas. meaning they probably are, but who knows.

after kunikida returns, he announces loudly " everybody, president fukuzawa has a message for you all but due to his own personal circumstances, he doesn't have enough time to convey the message himself" he stops before continuing,

" here are the packets on your current ADA profile, president fukuzawa says that since, for some of us, its been a good year or so that they haven't been checked through. he wants you all to look through it and change anything that isn't up to date. such as emergency contacts, relationship status, if you've gotten a bad injury at all recently, and ect. please have these turned in by the end of the day. " kunikida takes a deep breath after rambling for so long.

everybody takes their own packet and starts to look through it as it is a short task and probably won't take longer than 15 minutes at most. after a bit kenji asks an innocent question, " hey kunikida, what's this signature thing at the bottom? "

" well if you look closer it says here that if you are married or engaged, you have to get your partner to sign it so there is confirmation that you actually are married or engaged. " kunikida replies with a solid answer.

" oh, okay ! " kenji says with his usual happy tone, you can hear a loud sigh throughout the office. which if you follow where the sound came from, you'll find it came from dazai, who seems to be sending a text to somebody on his phone.

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