31) Twitch

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F1 🏎️
Honey badger: Hey guys!

Milk boy: hi!

Albono: What's up

Gridmum: Yes Daniel?

Honey badger: I was thinking bout this
were going in Vegas soon right

WTF is a km 🦅🇺🇸🦅: Yes

Little lion 🦁: What about it

Banana: Now I'm scared

Tripod: Why cause you remember what happened last time

Banana: Yes...

Honey badger: Oh yeah that was WILD man
But anyway I was thinking bout he fact that we didn't have a party since a while and that there's a few birthdays we can celebrate

Pastry 🥐: Wait who's birthdays is it already

Banana: Me!

Griddad: Bwoah mine

Lancelot: Me :)

Milk boy: Me!!

Nando: So you want to throw a quadruple birthday party with everyone in Vegas?

Honey badger: Yep!

Nando: I'm in

Gridmum: So in your head all of you chaotic kids in Vegas throwing multiple birthday parties is normal and ok

Honey badger: Yep!

Sir Lewis: In what world this is going to end up ok

Honey badger: This one!

Gridmum: I'm stressing only thinking about this..

Sir Lewis: Daniel this is not a good idea this is not going to be fun just chaos

Honey badger: Oh shut up just bring your wag to distract you🙄😒

Sir Lewis: ...
Excuse me

Honey badger: You heard me

Sir Lewis: Who's is my wag then?

Honey badger: Oh you know just figure it out! 😉

Sir Lewis: I- uh ok...

Banana: dont worry Lewis it'll be easy

Little lion 🦁: like reaaaaally easy

Britney: why so?

Little lion 🦁: oh you know

Sir Lewis: shut up

Banana: no 😊

Griddad: Bwoah will there be alcohol?

Honey badger: Of course as always!

Griddad: Perfect 😎

Gridmum: I'm giving up

Facts: Wow I have never seen Kimi express so much

Griddad: Bwoah



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