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Taylors POV
She is 23 weeks pregnant

Damn I can barely get out of bed again "Travis" I say almost in Tears "I'll help you get out of bed" He says "How did you know" I say "I just do honey" He responds. I get out of bed "Huggy" I say and he gives me a hug "You used to be so snappy with me what changed" He says and I slap his head and he chuckles "I fell in love with you that's what changed" I say and we smile at eachother. He pulls me in for a kiss but someone knocks at the door "Gonna kill someone I swear" I say waddling down to get it. I open the door "Oh hey Donna" I say seeing my boyfriends mother "Hey honey how are you" She asks "I'm good what's up" I ask and her smile fades "What" I ask nervously "It's about Joe" She says and I almost gag at my exes name "What about him" I say and she looks more nervous.

"Avery started dating him last week"... WHAT THE FUCK SHES MY FUCKING BEST FRIEND AND SHE JUST DOES THAT WHAT IN THE FUCKING WORLD IS THAT is what I want to say "Oh ok" I say and Donna hugs me "I'm sorry Taylor" She says "It's ok" I answer and she leaves


"WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT SHE JUST GOES AND DATES MY EX" I shout while ranting to Travis "That's really crappy" He says "THANK YOU" I shout and start crying "Baby don't cry" He hugs me "She can't do this to a pregnant woman" I say and Travis chuckles "No she can't" He says kissing my head "Am I Allowed To Cry?" I say "Of course" He says "I'm gonna have to talk to her" I say and Travis nods "I know baby"


Avery knocks on the door, the little bitch "Hey Girl" She says as I open the door... silence as she walks in "How are you and how are my neices" she says "Better question is how's Joe" I say and she looks at me confused "What" She says she obviously knows what I'm talking about "You know what Avery" I say and she starts to tear up "You don't get to cry about this" I say also tearing up "Taylor listen to me" Avery says and I look at her expecting her to talk "Ok I was out and I got drunk and Joe was there and he just forgot everything and so did I and then we just couldn't stop" She says "I mean I didn't have that big of a reaction when you and Travis announced the pregnancy and the relationship" She says and my jaw drops "What The Hell Are You Talking About!" I yell "You Had The Biggest Fucking Reaction" I yell again and Travis walks in but he leaves very quickly as to not interrupt "You know what just get out, right now cause who the hell fucks their best friends ex... oh wait Avery does" I say. She leaves without question and Travis walks back in "Want to talk about it" He asks and I shake my head.


1 month later

"Why does your family have so many fucking gatherings" I say to Travis "We've had two this year" I say "27 fucking weeks pregnant and I have to deal with not only Avery but also Joe" I say and Travis hugs me from behind "Don't worry about it ok honey" and I nod I look at the date "May 6th" I say and smile "August 3rds gonna be the best day ever" He says "I know we'll have Belly and Char here" I say (By the way our baby's names are gonna be Bella and Charlotte but we call the Belly and Char) "Only 3 months to go" He says and I smile as I feel something in my stomach....

Worst Cliffhanger Ever but I had no Idea what the kids names where gonna be so I just chose Bella and Charlotte cause they go alright together

I FEEL BETTER 🥳🥳🥳 but I still feel like shit so that's not great so I'm gonna spend the day crying in bed lol cause I'm Emor 👅🖤💀👿

Hope you have/had a good day x

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