4- Now its broken

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Leah quickly pulls you back while kyra grabs your hands and holds them getting blood all over herself. You can hear the girls taking to you but you can't say anything, you breakdown in tears as your knees go weak and Leah lowers you to the floor making you sit on her knee with your head in her chest and kyra rubbing your back

Leah POV-

I hear banging coming from Renne's room and know this isn't good, I look over to Kyra who has practically jumped out her seat to run up to her. I follow her up the stairs and go straight into Renne's room, she's punching her walls repeatedly, there's pillows and stuff all over her floor and broken glass from a photo frame next to her bedside table. Her knuckles are bloody and bruised, the blood is all over her wall which is dented and has two holes in. I grab her and pull her away immediately.

Leah: "Renne are you okay"

Kyra: "Ren please talk to us" she says worriedly

Leah: "ReRe please"

Me and kyra go back and forth trying to get some sort of speech out of her but she just collapses into my arms, I go to the floor lowering her onto my knee as she sobs into my chest. I see how worried Kyra is, she looks like a scared child so I send her to call Less while i sort out Renne.

Back to Renne's POV

Kyra goes away from us and out of my room, I'm guessing she's gonna tell Less. I pick my head up from Leah's chest and look around my room, I see pillows, clothes, books, everything just thrown around my room. Then my eyes connect with the photo frame, I feel angry again but know Leah won't let me go unless she thinks I'm not.

Renne: "Sorry le" I say above a whisper.

Leah: "It's okay darling, I'm here" she strokes my hair

Renne: "Can you let me go so I can get in bed"

Leah: "I can't do that until you calm down, and I need to clean your hands"

I look down to my hands and see them bloody and bruised, all my knuckles are shredded and I have quite a deep cut just above my wrist.

Renne: "Please le"

Leah: "You've gotta promise me you've calmed down"

I haven't I only feel more angry about knowing Kyra would've told Less by now.

Renne: "I promise" I give her puppy dog eyes while crossing my fingers behind my back

Leah loosens her grip just enough where I can squeeze out, I slowly stand up before looking around my room, I need to make sure it seems like I've calmed down. I look at the wall of dents, holes and blood and just feel like I deserve to feel more, I broke the only photo i had of my sister and mum. I punch the wall again, very hard this time making another hole in it but bigger. My knuckles poor with blood dripping onto my carpet, I look down at them before getting picked up my Leah and getting rushed downstairs.

As she rushes down, I hear the door open and Less shout out my name.

Great now she's here.

Leah carries me into the kitchen where Less and Kyra are stood. Less looks over to me, she's scared. Leah places me on the kitchen counter before less comes running over.

My eyes are bloodshot

My cheeks are puffy and red

My hand has a deep cut

All my knuckles are shredded and bleeding

She doesn't say anything but looks at me and takes my hands in hers gently. Kyra comes in with the first aid kit and I can hear the three of them talking to me but I'm not listening I'm just zoned out. Less strokes my cheek snapping me back into reality.

Leah: "I'll stop for a bit if it hurts but they need to be cleaned and bandaged"

Less: "Ren why have you done this" she says with empathy

Kyra comes down from my room, she went to get Leah's phone but came down with the smashed photo frame.

Kyra: "Could if have something to do with this" she says showing the photo and frame to Less

Alessia sighs knowing how much you would be struggling today and that the photo breaking is probably what tipped you over the edge. She nods toward Kyra as a few tears drop down your cheek.

Renne: "It was my only photo" you whisper
"And now it's broken"

Alessia hugs you tightly, you wince slightly as your hands rub against her top.

Alessia: "Sorry Re I forgot about your hands, but you don't need to worry about the photo i'll get you a new one the exact same" she gently smiles

Leah: "Right Renne, this might hurt but it needs to happen" she wipes one of your knuckles with an antibacterial wipe.

It hurts
A lot
All of it hurts but you show no emotion so Leah just carries on.

She finishes one hand that wasn't too bad just a few cuts and scrapes, she wraps a bandage around it but doesn't start to clean the other hand. It's a lot worse than the other, more cuts and the big one just above your wrist is very deep.

Leah: "Ren this hand is quite a bit worse, we might need a doctor to look at it properly" she smiles slightly

You immediately start to panic and your mind goes straight to the hospital and how no one you loved came out of it. You breath gets heightened as your leg starts to shake.

Renne: "No, No hospital"

Alessia: "I know you don't like them but these are quite deep Ren"

Renne: "I said no" you raise your voice

Kyra: "Hey what about we go see the medic at the training ground" she smiles

Renne: "No hospital"

Kyra: "No hospital just seeing the medic so they can sort it out yeah"

You agree and Alessia thanks kyra. Your hand is still bleeding a bit and the other bandage isn't working well since the first aid kit only had a little bit. Alessia wraps them in the first thing she could find, which was a t-shirt, and you both get into the car with Leah and Kyra.

You arrive at the training ground, only a few of the girls are there since they are doing something with the media, Beth sees you walk in with the bloody t-shirt around your hands and can tell you've been crying. She doesn't want to ask so she texts Leah instead.

In text
Beth: Hey I just saw Ren is she okay, what's happened x

Leah: Hey it's been rough, she was struggling this morning and was quite angry and upset, then somehow the photo of her, Riley and her mum got broke. Me and kyra were over while Less was out and good thing we was, we heard banging and went up to see dents and holes in her wall, and her stuff everywhere. She had punched her walls a lot that's why her hands are in a bloody t-shirt. She had a deep cut and refused the hospital so we brought her to see the medics here x

Beth: Bless her, send her my love and text if you ever need help. x

Leah: Thanks bethy x

Word count-1246

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