1-Grief, Sadness, Anger

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Alessia: "You head inside my love i'll get your bags for you"

She smiles at you gently but you can't even acknowledge it, the only thing you can think about is your mother and sister and how they aren't here anymore. You head inside the house and just head straight up to the room you normally stay in when you stay over, you don't take off your shoes, you don't put your jacket away you just lay on the bed. You don't feel anything, you feel numb.

You hear Less coming up the stairs with your bags but don't have the energy to greet her so just stay staring at the wall.

Alessia: "I'm going to make some chicken sandwiches with cucumber and cheese" she smiles at you knowing they are your favourite but you don't feel like doing anything, especially not eating.

Renne: "I'm not hungry" you say with no emotion on your face but a tear still manages to roll down your cheek.

Alessia: "Leah is coming over tonight, maybe you can eat then with her" you can tell she is trying to cheer you up but you feel like the only emotions you'll be able to get out with be anger and sadness.

Alessia leaves your room after unpacking all your stuff for you, your still lay in bed but your now holding onto your teddy that your mum gave you for your birthday. You can't help but let the tears fall, the memories of you and her run through your mind, she was your best friend, your biggest supporter and now she's gone. Your sister isn't here to comfort you either, she is gone as well, you feel so alone.

You feel so angry that one person caused your mother and sister to die, one person crashed into their car causing them to die and loose their life.
The sadness that you feel not long turns into a whole lot of anger, anger over the fact they are dead, anger over the fact they will never be there for you again, anger about everything and anger about everyone. You're so angry you don't even realise that your room has practically been turned upside down with pillows and other things all over the floor. You're so angry you don't even realise that you're no longer in your bed but on your floor clutching onto your hand because you've just punched a whole into the wall.

Alessia rushes up the stairs after hearing the bang, she walks into your room and immediately takes notice of your hand.

Alessia: "Darling what happened" she says holding your hand which is covered in blood.

Renne: "I'm sorry less" you just cry into her shoulder and she embraces you into a hug.

Alessia notices the whole in the floor and realises what happened. Alessia: "It's okay Ren, but we need to get your hand cleaned up okay"

Renne: "Mhm" Less takes you downstairs and sits you on the kitchen counter before getting the first aid kit.

Alessia: "This will probably sting a bit, if it gets too much just tell me to stop okay"

You nod your head and she begins cleaning your hand up, it hurts but you don't show any signs of pain so she gets through the whole thing without stopping. She bandages your hand up and then tells you to go sit on the sofa for a bit while she sorts out your room.

You end up falling asleep on the sofa since you haven't been asleep for around 38 hours, you've just been thinking about your mum and sister. Leah then arrives.

Leah: "hey, i'm here" she shouts through the house but doesn't get a response so takes off her shoes and walks into the living room and sees you asleep. She goes into the kitchen where less now is.

Alessia: "when did you get here" she hugs her

Leah: "not long ago, how are you"

Alessia: "i'm okay, it hurts knowing they are both gone but i mean Renne lost her mum and her sister" she tears up slightly

Leah: "How is she, i saw her asleep"

Alessia: "Not good, she always struggled with her emotions and this just took it over the edge, i went up to her after i heard a bang and she had chucked all sorts everywhere and punched the wall. Her mum always knew how to help her and I don't know how she's gonna cope"

Leah: "Bless her, she's only a kid and has gone through more than me"

Alessia: "What do i do, i mean i've never experienced what she is going through at such a level" she hugs leah and they are just sat in the kitchen together.

Leah: "How about Beth, she lost her mum so might be able to help her a bit"

Alessia: "True I might ask her when i'm back at training"

Leah: "When are you coming back"

Alessia: "Well Jonas gave me the rest of the week off and told me i can have anytime off with Renne but i'll probably be back next Tuesday, it'll be good to get out and have a distraction for a bit"

Just as she says that she hears a scream come from the living room and rushes through to find you cuddling your teddy in the corner off the sofa.

Alessia: "It's okay Renne, it's just me you're safe" she slowly approaches you and gives you a hug that you accept.

Renne: "I'm sorry" you whisper realising leah is there as well

Alessia: "It's fine darling, I've sorted out your room if you want to go up there but we are having food soon i'm going to order some pizza if you want"

You nod and stay on the sofa with leah and less, they are talking about football but you stay quiet and just think about everything at the moment.

Leah: "Hey ren, how's football been recently"

Renne: "um alright" you don't make eye contact and just look at the teddy.

Alessia: "Ren, next Tuesday I've got a meeting with Jonas at the training ground, you are going to have to come but you don't have to speak to any of the girls" she knows how much your sister loved the girls and are worried you won't want to speak to them cause that's what she loved to do.

Renne: "I will come" you say with no emotion but a wave of sadness hits knowing how much your sister loved the girls. A tear rolls down your cheek but you wipe it before less can see.

What will happen when you have to see the girls your sister loved so much.

word count-1119

Renne Cartel, Russo's niece Where stories live. Discover now