Chapter 41

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" What the bloody hell!!" Benedict glared at Collin and Jo in absolute shock, as he looked outside the study to make sure no one heard him before shutting the door.

" Brother you don't-" Collin began and put up his hands defensively as Benedict stalked over him.

" Have you learned nothing with Daphne's situation with the Duke?!" Benedict grabbed Collin by the shirt and moved him away from Jo.

" Benedict let me-" Collin tried to explain as he tried to pull Benedict's hands away from him shirt, but his hands tightened more.

" Let you what?! Lie to me and say I didn't just see you and Jo kissing on the desk, defiling her innocence!! Are you out of your bloody mind, even I wouldn't do such a thing to a lady, and to Jo of all people!" Benedict looked disgustedly at Collin as he thought even his own brother would respect Jo enough not to put her in a compromising situation which may put her reputation in risk.

" I do respect her!" Collin glared back, clearly annoyed by his brothers assumptions as he pushed him away roughly so he was no longer gripping his shirt.

" I've had enough scandal's this season to make me sleep for a year! I just didn't think you'd add onto the list, I swear I'm loosing hair! My beautiful locks!!" Benedict's hands gripped onto his hair dramatically.

" Benedict just let us explain!" Jo sighed as she tried to defuse the situation, but Benedict was too mad at Collin to pay attention.

" I thought you knew better Jo, didn't my mama and the other ladies pester how important reputation is for a lady such as yourself??" Benedict sighed and shook his head.

" And now I'm going to lose my hair, I need my hair to bed women you know! No one is going to want Bald Benedict Bridgerton!" He pointed at them accusingly.

" Do not speak to her as if she is a child incapable of making her own decisions!" Collin glared at Benedict defensive over Jo.

" Then should I speak to you as such?!" Benedict snapped at Collin " You're lucky I was not Anthony or anyone else brother because they would've been far worse at this scolding, I'm mister nice guy here!"

" I do not need scolding as if I am a child! I am a grown man brother! And if you would just listen to me for a moment you would understand!" Collin snapped.

" A grown man? Please you are barley out of leading strings, you haven't even seen a woman's bloody kneecaps before! I would say now you have to get married to one another, but you are far too young to even consider such a thing." Benedict groaned and rolled his eyes as he tried to think about a resolution to this situation.

" Let's just forget this entire thing okay?! One, two, three, forget!" Benedict blinked hardly as if wiping his his memory.

" I am older than Jo, and yet she is more prepared for marriage than I am?!" Collin scoffed and rolled his eyes at Benedict.

" You know it is different brother," Benedict sighed as he placed his hands on his hips " Now I'm going to have to forget again, one, two, three, forget!" He blinked hardly again.

" You are being ridiculous." Collin sighed and glared at Benedict in annoyance as I put his hands on his hips.

" No, you are the ridiculous one for continuing to remind me for what has transpired in this very room!" Benedict whispered angrily as he glared at Collin and Jo " Now come children, forget with me so my hair doesn't fall out from stress." He shut his eyes as he reached for Collins and Jo's hands.

" I am not going to 'forget' because I proposed to Jo yesterday and now we are getting married!" Collin glared defensively at Benedict and crossed his arms as Jo shuffled awkwardly in between them.

" What..." Benedict opened his eyes and looked between Collin and Jo in confusion and weariness.

" It's true Ben," Jo smiled shyly as she pulled up her necklace so the ring came out of her cleavage " We did want to tell people in a less... scandalous manner." She chuckled awkwardly, as Collin moved to her side and held her hand as he smiled down at her.

" I truly love her Ben," Collin smiled down at Jo lovingly " I would never do anything that may jeopardise her reputation... not without confirming my engagement and future marriage of course." He smirked as he looked up at Benedict as Jo playfully smacked his arm while rolling her eyes.

Benedict blinked for a moment before smiling brightly and wrapping the two in a tight hug

" I'm not going to go bald!" Benedict squealed as he hugged Collin and Jo tightly " I'm so happy for you both! Wow! Is this actually happening?!" He smiled as he pulled back from the hug.

" Yes, it truly is." Jo smiled as he gave Collins hand a loving squeeze.

" I can't believe Stephen actually gave you his blessing!" Benedict smiled but Collins gave him an awkward look making Benedict smile falter " You did ask him for permission... right?"

" Well I was so caught up in the moment I forgot to even ask!" Collin smiled and shrugged awkwardly.

" Oh my god I'm going to go bald." Benedict make a high pitched sound as he covered his mouth and gripped his hair dramatically.

" But he'll get my papa's blessing, won't you Collin?" Jo smiled reassuringly as she laced her arm with Collins.

" Yes! Of course I will!" Collin nodded desperately.

" When?" Benedict gave Collin a stern look as he placed his hands on his hips.

" When? Erm soon, definitely soon!" Collin chuckled awkwardly.

" Tonight!" Jo interjected

" Tonight?!" Collin frowned slightly as he looked down at her but was met with a stern glare from Jo " Yes! Absolutely tonight!" Collin nodded immediately.

" Then it's sorted!" Benedict smiled and clapped his hands " Collin will get Stephane's blessing, the engagement will be announced to our family and I wouldn't loose my beautiful hair!"

The Bridgerton and the Countess ( Collin Bridgeton)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum