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The messages I've shared here are my own interpretations, influenced by quotes I've read or videos I've watched. I've expanded upon these thoughts based on my understanding. I'm sharing them because I genuinely believe they could provide guidance to those who are feeling lost. I hope these words reach those who truly need them. If you choose to share them elsewhere, I would be grateful if you mention that they came from me :)

1. Don't be your own enemy! Don't even consider giving up! Never surrender!!! Why entertain the thought that no one cares about you? Every cell in your body battles thousands of viruses just to keep you alive. Your mind develops coping mechanisms to ensure your survival. Your heart relentlessly pumps blood to sustain you. So why would you entertain giving up when your entire body fights against it? Furthermore, why allow anyone to take control over your mind, your heart, your body—YOU?! Your body is fighting for you, not for them. Why allow your own mind to turn against you? It wants to be your ally. By reprogramming it, it will stand by you through thick and thin. Don't let others take away or misuse your power! Your soul has transformed your pain into your strength, for you alone! Your angels, spirit guides, protect only YOU!

2. Direct your attention towards yourself, towards your own energy. When you're attracted to someone, focus on whether you appreciate them for who they are, rather than who they might become. Do they make you feel comfortable, safe in their company? Do they allow you to be completely yourself without judgment? When you concentrate on whether they like you, not only do you overlook their warning signs, but you also manipulate yourself to be likable, to present yourself in a certain way. You're losing yourself in the process.

3. When you think someone has power over you, it can feel like they've enchanted you. But this only happens because you've given them that authority. No one can wield more power over you than you, God, and the Universe. It's all about your choices. If you decide to let your thoughts shape a reality where others have power or control over you, then you'll feel like they do. You are the architect of your own reality. You're responsible for your thoughts, actions, and your life overall. No one else can usurp this from you. Unless, of course, you permit them.

4. Many people may feel triggered by you because you possess a depth and complexity they find challenging. You represent their untapped potential and embody qualities they're afraid to explore. Your presence reflects back their own insecurities and unacknowledged aspects. Being triggered by you is often about their internal struggles, not your shortcomings.

5. When you decide to postpone something because of your current feelings, you're essentially telling yourself that you don't value yourself enough to honor the commitment you made based on your present emotions. In those moments, it's crucial to consider the future rather than solely focusing on the present. Remember, feelings are temporary.

6. Choosing not to follow in someone else's footsteps means you're forging your own path, one that others can look up to and follow. By prioritizing yourself, you're embracing true leadership. You guide lost souls onto the right track, becoming the role model your younger self needed. Be proud of your journey.

7. If the Universe is making you wait, expect to receive far more than you imagined. We're constantly on a journey of events, and everything that unfolds is connected to your desires. Whether it seems positive or negative, each experience is guiding you toward what you've asked for.

8. The Universe will never provide you with peace in something you were never meant to settle for. When you find yourself in a state of unrest or discomfort, it's a sign that you're not meant to stay in that situation. Your inner turmoil is a message from the Universe, guiding you away from what doesn't align with your true path and purpose. Instead, it nudges you towards experiences and opportunities that resonate with your soul. Trust that the Universe is always working in your favor, steering you towards the peace and fulfillment you deserve.

9. On the other side of fear lies freedom. Fear holds you captive, dictating your actions and thoughts. But when you release fear's grip, you liberate yourself. You open up to new possibilities, opportunities, and experiences that were once obscured by fear. Embracing courage and letting go of fear allows you to step into your true power, enabling you to pursue your dreams and live authentically.

10. Narcissistic parents force you to mature quickly, often at the cost of your childhood. These parents are essentially unhealed, wounded children trapped in adult bodies, whose own emotional needs were never adequately met. As a result, they project their unresolved issues onto their children, expecting them to fulfill the emotional gaps they experienced in their own upbringing. This burden forces their children to navigate complex emotional landscapes from a young age, robbing them of the carefree innocence typically associated with childhood. Consequently, children raised by narcissistic parents often find themselves shouldering responsibilities and challenges beyond their years, shaping them into mature individuals before their time.

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