Behind Closed Doors

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Stacy's body was sprawled on the cold bathroom floor, her cheek pressed against the chilly tiles. The flickering lights cast eerie shadows that danced across the walls, mirroring the chaos within her. As the sounds of the school event filtered through the door, mingled laughter and music a stark contrast to the bleakness enveloping her she felt a new wave of despair wash over her.

Suddenly, footsteps halted outside the bathroom, and the silhouette of someone loomed at the threshold. The door didn't open, but a familiar voice slipped through the crack.

"Stacy? Is that you in there? It's Liam."

Stacy stiffened, pressing her lips tightly together.

"Go away, Liam,"

she muttered, not loud enough for him to hear.

But Liam, unfazed, continued in a tone that oozed insincerity.

"Come on, Stacy. Everyone's looking for you. Don't you want some... company?"

Stacy clenches her fist in annoyance by Liam's comment.

"Nobody cares about you Liam, fucking go kill yourself for all I care. I'm having the shittiest day ever. Just shut your mouth and open the door."

Stacy yells as Liam grins on the other side of the door.

"Aw, I like it when you plead and beg on your knees for me. Come on, a little more begging and maybe I'll consider it sugar~"

His words, dripping with a discomforting intention, made Stacy's skin crawl. She remained silent, hoping he would leave. However, Liam leaned on the door, his shadow partially blocking the sliver of light.

Just as Stacy thought she'd have to confront him, another voice cut sharply through the tension.

"Back off, Liam!"

It was Hailey, her tone forceful and commanding. The sound of a brief scuffle followed, and then Liam's retreating footsteps echoed down the hallway.

The lock clicked, and the door swung open. Hailey stood there, her expression a mix of concern and anger.

"Are you okay?"

she asked, extending a hand to help Stacy up.

"I-yeah. Thanks, Hailey,"

Stacy said, taking her hand and getting to her feet, her legs shaky.

Hailey's face softened.

"I heard what happened. If you need a break from all this, why not come with me to the music club? There's a band competition next Friday, and we could use some more support."

Stacy hesitated, wiping a tear from her cheek.

"I'm not really the performer type,"

she admitted.

"You don't have to perform. Just come and hang out. We're a good crowd," Hailey encouraged with a smile.

Forget Me Notजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें