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For decades, the Groven family was known for its political power and rich heritage. The public considered them the perfect family. Happy, rich and popular, they had an impeccable reputation.

             But as money and fame cannot buy health, a cruel disease hit Mrs. Groven and she died, leaving her husband completely devastated. After this incident Mr. John Groven lost interest in his family and daughter. He started drinking more and more,eading to small arguments with his daughter, Sophia Grover.

 He started drinking more and more,eading to small arguments with his daughter, Sophia Grover

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After a while the small arguments became more  heated. Mr. Grover also remarried a young lady for reputation.

The connection with his daughter being still broken

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The connection with his daughter being still broken.
              Sophia was miserable,  but she couldn't let her guard down because the consequences were not small. She continued to study from home and she only had maximum grade . She is forced by her father to study all day to keep the family's reputation up. Her schedule is strictly study time, library time, time to eat and sleep, no music or other activities. She is always obliged to wear elegant clothes and smile. It is almost as if she was a robot that is programmed with fixed codes, and the smallest mistake is considered an error that must be fixed.
             Today Sophia turns 17, but instead of a party with friends, witch she is not allowed to have, she received a simple "Happy Birthday" and a dinner with her father and his wife. But she was not angry,  she was not allowed to be...
               That evening, after a long and hard study session, Sophia dressed herself elegantly and went downstairs to the dinner. At the long black wooden table, the two were waiting for her, at one end and the other of the table. She approached the table and bowed before sitting quietly at the table. Her father waited a few seconds before clearing his throat and speaking up. "Sophia... now that you are 17 years old, you have to physically go to school, you can no longer study at home, because the paparazzi are suspicious."  his thick voice filling the room.
               As her father spoke Sophia got goosebumps, but she silently nodded in approval.
             All afternoon they ate in silence before going to their bedrooms. But Sophia could not sleep. She was only thinking about how she would be able to integrate? how will she learn in the chaos of a school? does that mean she can have friends now?
                The next morning once the sun pirced through the windows,  Sophia woke up with severe anxiety, but she didn't let that stop her, she dressed herself simple and went downstairs to the personal driver  that was waiting for her. The car was big and black with an intimidating air, that could attract too much attention, which  she didn't want at all.
             All the way to school Sophia stared out the window at the other students walking to school. They were dressed differently and looked very happy.Once the car stopped in front of the building the teenagers started whispering and pointing towards Sophia, after all she is a Croven.
                 Sophia  got out of the car and timidly looked down as  entering the building. Once she entered the hallways she managed to blend in with the other students. When she finally found the library, she sat down at a table and began her studies. Maybe after all it's not so bad at a normal school... she said to herself as she browsed through the school's old books.
                  The whole day Sophia did not leave the library, and completely immersed herself in books. Because of that she did't realized that time had passed and it was already evening. Sophia hurriedly returned the books and ran to the exit. As she was walking in the hallways towards the exit, a sharp sound caught her attention. It was like the rhythm of a song, but it was much more aggressive and sharp compared to the music that she was allowed to listen to, for studies. This sound came from behind a slightly open door with many posters on it. Even though she was in a hurry, Sophia couldn't help herself and took a look inside through the small crack. Inside was a boy, a very different one, but in a cute way.

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