Chapter 1: A new beginning.

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A/n: incase you're wondering, this story takes place in the first season of Animaniacs, around the first few episodes.

It was a beautiful spring afternoon in Burbank California. Although it was a pretty nice day out the Warners all had to compromise on playing a card game. Dot wanted to go shopping, Yakko wanted to go to the park and take a walk and Wakko wanted to go try the new restaurant in town. So.. when they couldn't decide their plans for the day they had to choose it out of Wakkos bright red cap. Of course they never thought that some of the activities in the hat were for rainy days, so they had to play a card game. The rules were that whichever activity came out of the hat they HAD to do it. So even though they could have went outside they had to play a card game. They all sat at the dining room table playing Rummy.

"Ugh, are you kidding me? Why can't we just go for a nice walk?" Yakko asked as he put down one of his cards onto the table. "Well I would have liked that if someone didn't complain about it!" Dot eyed Wakko as she spoke. "Why can't we just play the card game?" Wakko groaned as he put down one of his cards mindlessly. "RUMMY!" Yakko shouted as he took Wakkos card. "Hey! No fair I wasn't paying attention!" Wakko scowled as he crossed his arms and lay back in his chair. "That's why you pay attention when you're playing Rummy, Dummy!" Yakko exclaimed with a chuckle. "This is so boring." Dot moaned as she held her head back and sighed. "Dot, it's your turn." Yakko said naggingly. "Yes yes, I know, I know!" Dot said with a sigh as she put down a row of a 3, 4 and 5 of diamonds. Yakkos turn was next. "I win!" Yakko cried as he placed the rest of his cards down in a row which were 3 aces. "No! We haven't even counted all our points yet!" Dot said as she started counting her cards. "No need. I have 3 aces and like 5 other sets.. and... I already know I won." Yakko said as he showed them their points.

"50? Only 50 points?" Dot gasped at the sight of her score. "100? Oh cmon! I did way better than that?" Wakko exclaimed in anger. "Hey! You got 5000 points, no fair!" Dot cried out as she crossed her arms in disbelief. "Wait 5000 points, but how?" Wakko questioned, not even understanding how that was possible as they had only played 3 rounds. "I'm bored of this... wanna play another card game?" Yakko suggested. "NO!" Both yelled at their older brother. "Ok ok!" Yakko said as he put up his arms in defence. He was about to speak again when the phone began to sound throughout the tower. "ILL GET IT!" All 3 siblings shouted at once. They exchanged glances at each other and then the phone. Within seconds they were rushing to the phone, each trying to get there first. Wakko darted past his siblings and made a run for it. Finally! He was going to- nope! Yakko trampled him to the ground, standing on top of him he then answered the phone, calmly. 

"Hey! Who is it! Who is itttt!?" Wakko moaned as he tried to get out from underneath Yakko, but he wasn't strong enough to. "I NEVER GET TO GET IT!" He cried. "Hello? Mhm." Yakko answered. "Oh my! We'll be right there!" Yakko replied to the person over the phone as he hung up, finally letting Wakko go who was now crushed by Yakkos feet. He just mumbled and moaned as he tried to get up but he couldn't. Finally after a few moments he managed to get himself up and walking again. "Who was that?" Dot asked in suspicion and wonder. "Come siblings.. we need to go meet with Scratchy stat!" Yakko said as he went to go open the tower shield door. "But why?" Wakko asked as him and Dot followed. "You'll find out soon enough, now cmon!" Yakko ordered as they then, all 3 left the tower to go see Scratchy!

A few minutes ago...

A small toon crawls around in the bushes as she peers through them slightly. What she saw in-front of her shocked her as she raised her eyes above to the Warner brothers Water tower in all its glory! She wanted to see this place she was in so bad! She had no idea where she was but she decided it would probably be safe to crawl out of the bushes, so she slowly came out of the bushes, smiling as she looked up at the beautiful Warner brothers movie lot. She then noticed out of the corner of her eyes a big office building with a moving door, when someone stood in front of it it opened for them just like that! This seemed to amuse her as she decided to crawl towards the building to check it out. She couldn't walk well yet but she got up and managed to toddle along to the doors. It took her a while but she eventually got there.

When she got to the door it opened for her, she giggled happily as she then watched it close again. "Oh?" She said curiously as she moved forward making it open for her once again. She giggled again and clapped this time in amusement as she walked into the building happily. The receptionist lady was currently on the phone with someone, so when she looked down she was both surprised and concerned to see a baby walking around the lobby. Not only a baby, but one that looked a lot like the warners. Everyone at the studio knew who the warners were, so the lady instantly grew concerned. "Hold on just one minute please." She said to the person on the phone as she put it on hold and placed it down onto her desk. "Another Warner?" She said as she began to walk towards the little baby. The baby did not like the lady approaching her so she began to make a crawl for the open elevator. "NO! Hey come back here!" The lady said as she ran ahead of her. She picked the baby up and held her tightly so she wouldn't try to run away. "Now, let's go see Dr scratchandsniff, he knows the Warners, he'll know what to do." The lady said as she took her into the elevator.

When the elevator doors flew opened the small toon tried to escape the lady's grasp but she couldn't, so the lady continued to carry her down the hall till she reached a door with the name "Dr scratchandsniff" on the door. "Alright sweetie, don't worry, we will figure out what's going on." She said as she opened the door slowly. "Scratchandsniff?" The receptionist called. "Ya?" Scratchandsniff replied. When that little toon saw the creepy old man look up at her she instantly screamed in horror jumped out of the lady's arms and ran the other direction. "Vhats going on? Zeres another Varner?" He asked as he looked down the hall to see the Warner crawling away on the floor, as she still couldn't walk great so crawling was he fastest option to.. GETTING THE HECK OUTTA THERE! "Oh no, should I go get her?" The lady asked as she walked towards her. "YIPE!" She called out as she began making a real crawl for it to the elevator. "Oh no you don't!" The lady exclaimed as she picked her up. 

The child started to scream as she brought her closer to that creepy Dr. "Hey hey! It's ok.. are you scared of me?" He asked, trying to calm her down. In replied the toon child screamed his ears off for a moment. "I'll take zhat as a yes." He simply stated, his ears now ringing. "Alright, so what do we do with her?" The receptionist asked as the baby looked the other way, she couldn't STAND to look at that guys face. "Vell, why don't we call ze Warners? Maybe they'll know where she came from?" The psychiatrist shrugged as he went to his phone to call the Warners. He didn't want to see them but it would help them figure out what to do. The baby continued to cry and squirm around. "Here I'll let her down." The lady said as she set her on the floor. The the receptionist exited the room.

 The baby took this chance to hide behind a chair in the creepy man's office. "Hello?" The doctor answered the phone. "Yes hi Yakko, zheres something important you need to come see... zheres...another Warner here, a baby and she doesn't like me so she's hiding, can you please come deal with her?" He begged. "Ok, buh bye." He said as he hung up the phone. "Don't worry little one, your siblings will come pick you up." He said when he was then suddenly interrupted by a knock on the door, so he went to go open it, But nobody was there! "Hello!" Three familiar voices called out from behind him. "Agh!" He exclaimed as he then realized who was behind him. "How did y- how-" "window" Wakko said plainly. "But.. but?" He stuttered still not comprehending their entrance. "So, why are we here Yakko! You never told us!" Dot complained. "So... scratchy called because... they found another Warner, a toon just like us! Right scratchy?" Yakko confirmed. "Yes, but she keeps hiding on me, she's scarred of me." Scratchy replied.

As he said that a small little face peered from around the chair, she made a small sound as she shuffled. "Aww look!" Wakko said when he turned around to see the little toon staring at him. "Aww! Hi sweetie!" Dot waved to her. The little toon slowly crawled out, not taking her eyes off of that creepy man! "Oh don't worry, he won't hurt ya!" Yakko said as he approached the little child. "Can I pick you up?" Yakko asked as he reached his hands out. The little toon smiled at Yakko and held her hands out to signal she wanted up. "Alrighty, come here." He said as he picked her up. "Look at her sibs, isn't she adorable?" Yakko showed off their new addition. "She's absolutely adorable!" Dot smiled as she fixed her hair up a bit. "She's awesome!" Wakko said in awe as he smiled, gazing up at her. "So, Scratchy.. you think Plotzy will let us.. idk..keep her?" Yakko asked. "You'll have to talk to him Yakko. It's not my choice." He said putting his hands up in the air. 

"Alrighty then, let's go see Plotzy! Come siblings!" Yakko said as he lead his siblings out the door. The baby toon was just happy to get away from that creepy dude.

🎶They're on their way to go see Mr Plotz!🎶 

A/n: thanks for reading the first chapter! Make sure to Vote and comment! Thanks for stopping by.. Ily guys, buh bye!

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