Chapter Three: The Set up.

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Aurora frowned for the third time staring at herself. Her gaze flickering over to the girls that were now piled into one room. Ginny and Hermione sat on the bed with Teddy and Audrey and Fluer were grinning at Aurora. She tugged at the fabric. It reached to her knees and the top was form fitting but not uncomfortable,
   the thin straps didnt bother her either but the ruffle at the top was bothering her. Not to mention she was sure that you could see the begining of her scar that started on her right shoulder blade. Aurora glanced that her hair, which fluer had insisted that she curl it. Then the pinned it all to one side of her head. Aurora refused make up and jewlery and decided to wear her converses.
Fluer and Audrey tried to argue with her about them but she ignored them. Ginny gives her a sweet smile, but Aurora did not feel like smiling. She felt like she was going on a date and she didnt want to date, or she would have taken up the offer from someone else. Percy was playing dirty because he knew about her school year crush on Charlie. And that was not fair.
"Come they are waiting down stairs." Audrey says pushing Aurora toward the door. She began to panic. Why did she have to go first? ! This lot had never seen her in a dress before and that was already nerve wracking enough.
Audrey sighed as she gripped Aurora by the arm half dragging her down the stairs. Whistling caught their attention and Aurora's face flushed bright red, at the sight of George, Fred. Harry and Ron standing at the bottom of the stairs staring at her like she had grown a second head.
"I hate you all!" She groaned as she was forced into the Kitchen. Audrey gave her 'little" shove, causing her to stumble into something soild. Strong hands gripped her waist, righting her. Aurora's ears burned and her heart hammered inside of her chest like it was trying to run away from her.
Charlie looked amazing...His dark deniem jeans with a white botton down, the sleeves were rolled and a few bottons were undone. Aurora's heart skipped at beat as he stared down at her with a surprised expression. He quickly releases her, placing his hands in air.
"Sorry about that." Aurora could swear that his ears were red. She smiles nervously and glares over at Audrey.
"It's alright Red." Charlie smiles and nods his head. Some of the tension leaving his body...but he couldnt stop thinking about how his heart nearly stopped at the site of her.
"You ladies ready to go?"  Charlie chuckles and offers Aurora his hand. Her eyebrows furrow together as she glances between him and his hand.
"You have to hold his hand we are apperating." Aurora visibly paled at the thought of apperating. She went to take a step back. But Percy stepped up next to her, giving her a reassuring smile.
"You have to let her hang on to you. Rory isnt fond of apperating." Charlie's ears burned again and Aurora's face warmed. Charlie clears his throat wrapping a strong arm around Aurora's waist pulling her to him. Her breath hitches at the warmth that radiates from his body. Charlie ignored the burning in his ears as he apperated them.

They stood outside a Muggle Bar and Grill. Fluer turns slightly looking back at Charlie and Aurora, smiling. It had been a wonderful idea to force the two to go on a date. But she knew that they were stupid. They would figure out what she and Audrey were up to.
The were ushered inside and to a long table that was big enough for all of them. But Charlie was directly in front of Aurora and Percy sat next to her, with Audrey across from him and Bill next to her, with Fluer next to Percy. Aurora internally groans as she notices that they all look like they were paired up. She would have rather with smashed together in a booth than it look like this.
A cute blonde waitress bounces over to there table. Aurora scrunches her nose and glances at Percy who snorts and shrugs his shoulders lightly. She wanted to hit him then. He knew how she felt about overly perky people.
"Hi! Im Abby I'll be your server tonight. What can I start you off with sweet heart?" Her eyes were trained on Charlie who was looking down at the menu not paying her any attention. But the comment had went right through Aurora.
"I'll have a draft beer sweetheart." She says in the same sickly sweet voice that the waitress did. Abby's smile falters before she recovers it quickly, looking back at Charlie who lifts his eyes from the menu giving Aurora a curious look.
"I'll have the same as the lady." The others ordered their drinks and when the waitress was gone Percy began to laugh. Aurora slugs him the shoulder.
"You know I hate that! Dont laugh!" Bill joined in the laughter. Percy knew  she hated the fact that the poor girl had hit on Charlie in front of her.
Once their drinks arrived and they ordered they fell into a comfortable conversation. Most of it was about their work and Aurora shifted in her seat, trying to get comfortable.
"How about a game until our food get here?" Aurora narrows her eyes at Bill. She didnt like his tone. He was up to something and Percy seemed to be in on it as he quickly agreed to it.
"And what kind of game would that be?" Charlie asks suspiously. Aurora fights a smile. Thank Merlin that she wasnt the only one that had caught onto it." Bill laughs and shakes his head lightly.
"Dont look at me like that. Its a simple drinking game that muggles play. Never have I ever and then you say something and if the other person had done it, then you take a drink." Now Aurora really really didnt like the idea of this game. She knew that it could put her in an awkward position.
"I'll start. Never have I ever jumped into the black lake as a dare." Aurora throws her head back and groans. She lifts her glass and takes a drink. She should have known that she was never going to live that down.
"For the record, I wouldnt have done it if it was anyone other than that stupid Slytherin, but he said Gryffindors were cowards." Bill chuckles amd shakes his head. Aurora arches and eyebrow at him and smirks.
"Never have I ever been hit with a bludger." Aurora giggles when Charlie grunts and tilts back his glass. She gives him an apologetic smile, she hadnt meant to target Charlie too.
"Never have I ever had a crush on a Weasley." Percy's amused voice, fills the air as Fluer and Aundry giggle. Aurora's face reddens as she picks up her drink and takes a drink with the other two. She openly glares at Percy, Charlie chuckles lightly.
"Hold on, Little Dragon who did you have a crush on?" Aurora chokes on her own spit, coughing and trying to catch her breath. Oh Merlin NO! Why did he have to out right ask her that question like it was nothing. She waves her hands in front of her frantically and smacks Percy's arm. Bill and Fluer shook trying to contain their laughter. Which didnt help Aurora's embarassment.
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The rest of the time Aurora was almost completely silent and Charlie watched her worried. There was obviously something that was weighing on her mind. But she seemed so far away.
They had apparated outside the house and Aurora let go of Charlie quickly and made her way to Molly's flower garden. The night air was cool against her flushed skin. She couldnt remember the last time she had been this flustered over something. Percy and Bill had set her up with that question and she knew it.
There was nothing that she could do now and she wasnt going to try and come up with a lie. Aurora shakes her head finding the bench that was surrounded by the flowers. Looking up at the clear night sky she let out a heavy sigh.
"So I take it that you also realized that they had set us up on a date?" Aurora stiffens a little as Charlie sits down next to her. She glances over at him and gives him a weak smile.
"I was wondering how long it would take you to catch on." She laughs softly and turns back toward the sky.
"You never answered my question at dinner. Who did you have a crush on?" Aurora closes her eyes and held her breath for a long moment, before turning in her seat and looking at Charlie. His head was propped up on his hand and he was smiling softly at her.
"Well, I had a crush on you when we were in school." Charlie's eyes widen slightly and his cheeks turn red, making his freckles more noticable. Aurora giggles and tilts her head at him curiously.
"Is that so hard to believe?" She asked rather amused by his reaction to her confession.
"I mean yeah...kind of. I'm not the gentlest person." Aurora snorts and presses her mouth together to keep from laughing out loud. He gives her a questioning look.
"I've known you my whole life you goof. You can think that all you want. But, everyone knows better." Charlie rolls his eyes and smiles at Aurora. His brown eyes traveling the length of her face, taking in her soft blue eyes.
"So me and not percy then?" Digust fills Aurora's features making Charlie laugh loudly.
"I have never liked Percy like that. He's like my brother and has been that way since first year." Charlie puts his hands up in surrender.
"Alright, I believe you." Aurora's heart beat wildly as she stared at Charlie. It seemed like the alcohol loosened him up a bit.
"Are you looking forward to the holidays?" She knew that she was changing the topic, but she needed too. As much as she liked Charlie she wasnt going to let it go any further than that. She had Teddy to look after and she couldnt afford to let someone in again and break her heart.

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