Chapter Two: The Case

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      Aurora peeks her head inside of Ginny's room. Ginny looks up and smiles at her.
                                    "Something you need Rory?" Aurora slowly opens the door holding at sleeping Teddy in her arms.
                                               "Could you possibly keep and eye on Teddy for me? For an hour or so. I have to check on my creatures and I dont want to carry him down the stairs." Ginny giggles and nods.        Aurora lays him down on Ginny's bed before retreating down stairs where her briefcase sat in the floor. Harry stood there waiting patiently.
          She almost regretted telling him about the fact that The Scamanders had gifted her with it. Just incase she came across another magical creature that was in need of rehoming and or saving.     She laughs lightly and opens the case before descending down into it.
         Harry followed behind her closely, Harry let's out a low whistle as he glances around at the several large enclosures and even some of the pens. Most were empty but she did has a few creatures that she was insanely attached too.
                 "This is amazing Rory." Aurora smiles proudly before grabbing the wheel barrel pushing it through as they went.  Harry took in everything, he was awestruck that his sister had changed so much.
                                            "Come on then slow poke. You can help me feed the moon calfs."
Aurora had showed Harry the moon calves, the bowtruckles and three firedrakes. But she knew that there was one creature that he was interested to see if she had.
            Aurora headed into the enclosure letting out an ear piercing whistle and Harry waited that the enterance, but as soon as he saw the hippogriff he rushed forward next to Aurora grinning like a child.
                 "Rory! Is that?" Aurora giggled as the hippogriff landed tilting its head at Rory and then turned to Harry, before trotting over to him.
                                         "I think Buckbeak missed you Harry." Harry ran his fingers along Buckbeak's side laughing lightly.
                "I cant believe he's still alive." Aurora shrugs levitating his dinner over behind him.
                                       "The Scamanders had him and knew what he meant to me, so they let me bring him with me. Before I forget would you mind getting Charlie for me? I need to speak to him about something." Harry nods before saying good-bye to buckbeak and heading to the stairs again.
            Aurora busied herself with feeding the rest of the creatures before heading over to the dragon eggs that she had rescued from a slimy individual that she hoped that she would never have to encounter again!
           Two of the eggs had to stay warm where another had to remain as cold as possible and she knew nothing about Dragons. Luckily Charlie would know what to do.
                       "Harry said you wanted to speak to me?" Aurora lets out a startled scream at the sound of Charlie's voice. Making him fight back his laughter.
                     "Sorry I didnt mean to startle you little Dragon." Aurora frowns and turns toward him. But Charlie's eyes were on what was behind her. They widen as he takes a step toward them.
                     "Is that-"
                                            "An Ice dragon egg, yes. The other two are swedish short snout eggs. Once they hatch I wont be able to keep them here. They will out grow their enclosures and I can not get another Sactuary to take the Ice Dragon." Aurora's shoulders slumped in defeat. Charlie smiles softly at her.
                  "I can talk to Vlad. We have the mountains there and I'm sure we can make sure there is a suitable habitat for it." Aurora smiles brightly to Charlie.
                                           "Thank you! That would be such a big help!" Charlie nods before bending down to get a closer look at the dragon eggs.
                  "Well, you're doing a good job with the eggs." Aurora blushes and bends down placing another heating charm over the eggs.
                                          "I just want to make sure they have a fighting chance. These creatures pulled me out a dark place. I owe them for that." Charlie peeks over at Aurora, stray hairs were falling from her ponytail, and she looked exhausted, but happy.
                 "What other creatures do you have here?" He couldnt stop himself from asking her. He just wanted her to keep smiling.
                                                "Bowtruckles a few firedrakes, mooncalves, I have Buckbeak. But, I may also have a Peluda." She bit down on her lip nervously as Charlie's face paled and his eyes widened.
                "You have a what?! Why?! Those are dangerous!" He hadnt meant to shout, but it made Aurora giggle.
                                               "Pel isnt dangerous. I'll have you know, he's a big baby. And he only has three legs, he's quite lazy actually."
        Buckbeak's cawing draws her attention and makes her hairs stand on end as she stands quickly rushing away from the eggs. The low hum of a a muscial tone makes her growl in frustration pushing her feet to go faster.    Charlie follows closely behind.
       Aurora curses and jumps over running mooncalfs, which surprises Charlie with how fast she can react to this. Charlie was quick on his feet but she seemed to be faster.
That's when Charlie saw the five foot black horned serpent with blue eyes. He yanked Aurora back against his chest roughly trying to put her behind him.
                       "I dont think so Little Dragon." His tone was harsh and made Aurora's eyebrows draw together as wiggled free stepping toward the snake again. Without fear or Hesitation.
                                        "Nigeria? What are you doing out of your enclosure?" She spoke calmly to the beast and Charlie edged himself closer to Aurora to grab her quickly if the snake tried to strike. But, awe washed over Charlie as the snake flicked its tongue against Aurora's forehead and she laughed.
                                      "Naughty girl! You ate a moon calf didnt you? Alright off with you! Back to your enclosure or I lock you in it!" She said sternly, the snake bowed its head to her and turned. Aurora watched her to make sure that she actually went back to her enclosure.
                   "That was-bloody terrifying to watch!" Charlie says breathless and lets out a small chuckle. Aurora turns to him and smiles sheepishly.
                                     "Sorry about that. She's a bit of a snacker." Charlie blinks at her. Who had she become since the last time that he saw her?!
             It had been a week and Aurora couldnt shake Charlie. He would always come with her when she came to feed the creatures. He said that he wasnt worried that she would be hurt, but Aurora didnt trust that he was telling the truth. Not when he was acting the way that he was.
          Aurora sat on the couch and watched at Fred and George played with Teddy in the floor. She smiled more to herself than anything. She was surprised that the twenty-two year olds wanted to play with toy cars with him. But they were having fun and Teddy was laughing so she wasnt complaining.
            George lifts his eyes to look up at Aurora and he smirks. Aurora narrows her eyes, she knew that he was about to say something flirtatous to her and she would have to shoot him down again. These boys never gave up. Just as George was about to open his mouth Bill and Charlie came through the front door laughing.
        Aurora turns her head to look over her shoulder at them, offering a small smile. Bill's eyebrows draw together.
             ." Hey Pup You look tired." Aurora snorts. Tired wasan understatement. She was exhausted. Between Teddy's late nights and early mornings she had no idea how the child still had so much engery.
                                             "I'm fine Bill. What were you two block heads laughing about when you came in?" Fred and George chuckle softly at Aurora's insult toward their older brothers.
             "We were actually talking about going out tonight. Would you like to come? Percy is bringing Audrey and Im bringing Fluer." Aurora's eyes narrow suspiously, there was a hint of mischief in Bill's eyes that she couldnt quite place.
                                          "What about Teddy?" She didnt really like leaving him if she didnt have to.
                        "Harry and I will watch him for you." Aurora's head snaps around toward Ginny's voice and by the look in her eye she wasnt going to let Aurora decline the offer. Aurora sighs and stands to her feet stretching.
                                          "I guess I'll go and speak to Audrey about the dress code then." Bill claps his hands together with a chuckle. But Aurora ignored it and headed up the stairs toward Percy and Audrey's room.
       Aurora didnt bother to knock as she stormed into the room. Percy looked up from his chair as she slammed the door crossing her arms, glaring at her best friend.
                    "And what has you mad?" She arches a defient eyebrow at him.
                                              "Did you think that I wouldnt notice the little set up that you and Bill are trying to pull tonight? You realize that I DONT own anything girly correct?" Aurora was mad that they thought that they could slide this past her and she was even more mad that she had actually agreed to do it.
        Percy clears his throat trying to keep himself from laughing. Truthfully it had been Audrey and Fluer's idea to try and get them together. Percy was against it. For one because he knew that it would only piss Aurora off and another because he knew that Charlie's last realtionship wasnt the best.
                       "So you are saying that you dont have a crush on Charlie anymore?" Aurora's eyes widen and her mouth opens and closes as if she was a fish out of water and Percy couldnt contain his laughter any longer.

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