The Little Mermaid

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I made this imagine because I have an unhealthy obsession with mermaids 😭 thanks to shows and movies like the little mermaid, h2o, aquamarine, siren and mako mermaids LMAOOO I know seek help I'm crazy anyways enjoy reece pookie being a softie AGAIN

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I made this imagine because I have an unhealthy obsession with mermaids 😭 thanks to shows and movies like the little mermaid, h2o, aquamarine, siren and mako mermaids LMAOOO I know seek help I'm crazy anyways enjoy reece pookie being a softie AGAIN. I enjoy writing about Reece being a softhearted mf, anyways ENJOY, feel free to request anything ! YALL ARE AMAZING BTW 🙏
Reece loved being in water, ever since he was young all he would do was find a chance to play in water, whether it be doing the dishes or having a bath for hours, nobody could get him away from it. Reece had taken a day off by himself to go to the beach and had been enjoying himself in the water when he forgot the first rule of the ocean his mother taught him, you never EVER turn your back on a wave. It all happened so quickly, he blinked as a wave crashed into him and knocked him down, Reece tried his best to remain calm but he unfortunately went into a panic and the more he panicked the harder it was to stop the water from pulling him away from the shore. Reece knew he should've stayed calm but he couldn't help it each time a wave had violently hit against him keeping him down.

When Reece was able to pop his head up he noticed he was further out, the shore becoming smaller and smaller as he was pulled out to the sea. All he could think was fuck. Reece didn't know how he'd get back out of this, fighting against the water had worn him out and what was only a few minutes had seemed like hours. Reece felt his muscles weakening as his eyes had closed, eventually everything blackened as he had worn himself out.. Reece was too exhausted.

Suddenly a pair of arms wrapped around Reece's body as his rescuer led him back to land, a sweet tune had appeared in Reece's mind and he felt his eyes reopen slowly. "Godis that you?" Reece mumbled to himself, an angelic giggle was all he heard in response as the tune had gotten louder, Reece felt compelled to welcome back the darkness as he closed his eyes once more. The arms of his rescuer being the only thing keeping him safe from the attack of the waves..
"Fuck bro that must've been so scary." His friend said on the phone as Reece had told him what happened to him, as scary as the ordeal was Reece wanted to know who or what saved him from swimming with the fishes when he got caught in the riptide. "Yeah mate.. Absolutely terrifying." Reece mumbled as his mind drifted back to the life threatening event, Reece just couldn't get that heavenly sound out of his head and he only ever heard it when he was back near the water. Reece needed to know how he was saved from drowning... He'd been too far out to pull himself back and he never got the attention of any lifeguard that day so it didn't make sense to him how he survived and didn't drown.

Reece sighed as he said he'd call his friend back and just hung up the phone, he felt bad for putting himself back in harms way, but he needed answers of what exactly happened because somehow... Reece left the beach that day with a blurry face in his memory that he was convinced was an angel and a song he'd never heard before stuck deep in his mind. This only drove him to go back, to the same spot he nearly lost his life. Reece felt like an idiot, but as long as he stayed out of the water he'd be safe, he hoped..

"Look, I don't know what happened that day, but you saved me.. Fuck, I'm for sure losing it.." Reece said as he stood on the rocks, he shook his head and breathed out. "I just want to say thank you, for saving my life.. I hope the ocean doesn't feel offended by my presence." With that he turned his back and stepped off the rock he was on. "You're welcome and no.. The ocean isn't offended." Reece stopped in his tracks when he heard a woman's voice, he closed his eyes momentarily as he turned back around to face her. "Oh my fucking god, you're a mermaid.." Reece said in shock as he laid his eyes on her then slowly looked at her tail.

"Oh? Am I?" The mermaid said with a sarcastic smile on her face. "Wouldn't you be afraid of exposure, getting trapped in a lab somewhere?" Reece asked curiously, slowly walking back to the rock he was on to get a closer look at her, she was stunning. "No.. The ocean keeps me safe and humans wouldn't know where to look." She responded with a laugh, Reece breathed in deeply and felt lightheaded so he decided to sit down on the rock instead. "You're quite brave to return here for someone who almost lost his life not long ago." The mermaid spoke softly while Reece kept his eyes on her, he felt like a creep for staring at her for so long but Reece couldn't help himself. There was something about her, he didn't want to look away from her in fear she might disappear right before his eyes.

"My name is Reece." Reece gave her a smile and bit down on his lip, in deep thought of what to say next. "Was that your voice I was hearing?" He whispered softly to her. "Yes.. I'm sorry, I just wanted to help relax you, you were fighting the waves too much." The mermaid explained to Reece. "Don't be sorry, it's all I can think of sometimes." Reece just smiled as she shook her head, placing her hand against his. "That is why I'm sorry, the side effects of the song are dangerous." She said slowly, her lips turning into a frown, she moved away from him but he grabbed ahold of her hand in a panic. "No wait— please... Don't go." Reece silently begged her. "I don't even know your name... Do you have one?" Reece asked her with a little laughe, she nodded in response and flashed Reece a toothy smile. "My name is Cordelia." The mermaid told him in a gentle voice, staring deeply into his eyes.

"How do you know you can trust me?" Reece asked Cordelia, licking his lips slowly. "Well, nobody would believe you for one.." Cordelia said with a smirk, looking away for a moment. "And I wanted to protect you, I remember seeing you a few times before." She told him and Reece nodded slowly. "Oh.." He looked into her eyes and felt a strong pull towards her. "Are you.. Allowed on land? Or is there some kind of law against it?" Reece asked her with caution, he didn't want to make her angry. "No not really, for me anyway.." Cordelia said with a smile, pushing herself up on the rock to sit next to Reece. "I wasn't always a mermaid, I was actually born a human.." Cordelia told him as she breathed out deeply. "How.. What?" Reece mumbled in confusion as she spoke. "I had a accident with a friend when I was younger, we were drinking when we went for a swim, didn't see a boat coming towards us and the driver hadn't seen either of us so we got hit.. My leg got cut up by the propellers and I couldn't swim away, it was just the two of us fighting under the water to get out from the boat and nobody was able to save us.. I saw all this blood and I lost consciousness, when I woke up I saw I was in an underwater cave I noticed that I had a tail instead of legs and a mermaid was telling me I'd be safe with her, that I didn't have to go back, not that I even wanted to.."

Reece frowned as he felt bad for her, he didn't know how to respond as he took all of this in, he just put his arm around her and gave her a hug. "So then the sea became my home and I gave up all contact with my family." Cordelia said in a quiet whisper, tears streaming down her face. "And your friend?" Reece mumbled softly, but Cordelia just shook her head, wiping her eyes. "I'm so sorry you went through that." Reece said sincerely to Cordelia, she rested her head on his shoulder and inhaled through her nose. "When I saw you struggling I knew I had to help you Reece." Cordelia told him with a smile. "Thank you, Cordelia." Reece said softly as he held her in his arms. The moment was interrupted as they heard people nearby, Cordelia pushed herself off the rock and back into the water, Reece was hesitant to let her go.

"Wait— will I ever see you again?" Reece asked her softly as he held onto her arm, Cordelia placed her hand on the side of his face, caressing his cheek softly as she began to sing to him. Reece began to relax as he listened, enjoying the moment. "I promise you will see me again at this very spot, all you have to do is call my name and I'll be here." Cordelia told Reece who didn't want to let her go, he was scared to be without her now that he just found her. "Okay.." Reece said gently as Cordelia removed her hand from his face, disappearing underneath the water. Reece shut his eyes tightly as her sweet voice stayed in his mind. He would come back to the beach every day just to see Cordelia, any chance to be near her he'd take it.. He was addicted to the mermaid who saved his life.

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