I see's revenge + X's revenge + Fanny's renegade

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icey=I see

I see's 5 senses

RAHHHHHHHh I hate 4 and 2s relation ship >:(( I wish they BOTH DIE. Than I saw (SAW)

X travel across my mind. "I will help you kill 2 butt not 4 bc 4 is MY true BBQ.."

I than screm out loud "I WANT REVANGE" and smiley yellow guy renegades on my sliding limbless body.

Me and X decided a plan.

The plan!!

We plan to find Fanny and make him do his renegade on the cake at stake stage in Two's atwosment park so Two can watch and if four comes as well we will get a fake X body pillow so 4 can attack it but it releases a sleepy poison so 4 sleeps and than we kill 2 and Fanny renegades on his body and we trap 4 aswelll and we renegade with Fanny Kool-Aid!!!!!

We did the plan and it worked!1111!!!!!!!1!

we took yellow smiley guy's leg and we all renegaded and 4 died of explosion

X's 3 senses

I got a few of my senses back and Im glad I can finally be happyy again and I stole 4s senses

L BOZO L L L L + RATIO + DEAD LLL I don't care about 4 anymore I'm my own ALGEBRALIAN. 😎

4's -1 sense


wrote this in music class hee hee and I won 1st in the khoot while writing this ez win W and dunno wod count

wod count 222

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