Start from the beginning

"Asakhe did it because it was the right thing to do." Valentine answered.

"The worlds a safer place without that thing wrecking havoc." Valentine spoke as he pulled out the arrows and tossed them to the floor.

"Would you rather turn her over to the clave to stand trail?" Valentine asked the two blondes.

"That is our job!" The two blondes exclaimed in sync.

"The law is hard buts it the law." Jace and Asa spoke together, Valentine joining in at the last part.

"Yet the clave does nothing, nothing to enforce that." Valentine spoke.

"Downworlders multiply with a bite or scratch, while our numbers dwindle, year after year." Valentine told the blondes.

"If we don't do something, a den like that will be on very corner, on every street in the world." Valentine said as he traced over his irazte rune with his stele.

"This is the only way." Valentine told the two blondes.

"You're wrong." Jace and Asa spoke in sync.

"Like I was wrong about your mother?" Valentine asked, his question directed towards Jace.

"Jocelyn isn't Jace's mother, you may have everyone else fooled but not me Valentino, not me." Asa told Valentine.

"I know even better than you know yourself." Valentine spoke towards Jace.

"You." Jace started as he marched closer towards his so called father.

"You don't know me at all." Jace told him.

"You saved my life, both of you in fact." Valentine told the two blondes.

"Not willingly." Asa answered without missing a beat.

"You could have portaled me anywhere, handed me over to the clave in Idris, but did you?" Valentine asked smugly.

"We didn't do it for you." Asa immediately spoke up.

"We still have questions and unfortunately as of right now, you're the only one who can answer them." The blonde princess spoke angrily.

"Deep down, you both know I'm right." Valentine told the two blondes before walking off.

Asa flipped off behind his back and stuck her tongue out to which Jace shook his head fondly.

"Don't believe a word he says Jace." Asa told the blonde boy in a soft tone.

"Karama's a bitch, Valentino will get what's coming to him." Asa assured as she wrapped her arm around his waist in a side which Jace returned as he wrapped an arm around her shoulder.

" Asa assured as she wrapped her arm around his waist in a side which Jace returned as he wrapped an arm around her shoulder

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