Searching For Clues

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    I am Daniel Cover, I have been staying in isolation since the death of my parents now. Since childhood I have been fascinated by how people used to live in the past times. How they were happy and cheerfull, had peace without the cranky noises of robots and electronics. It was staggering to believe that there were a time at which an organism called trees lived. I've heard that the last tree from Amazon desert was kept in a museum in the "Great Technological Britain". Now there are only power plants that creates oxygen.

             It was the time when every country started focusing just on Improving technology after building a city on the moon, people captured mars. The population of 39 Billion was split between these two planets. Most people lived on mars. Around 37 Billion Of them. Others lived on moon, around 2 Billion of them and only around 60 thousand on earth. Until the combining of the galaxy, Andromeda and Milky Way.

            Scientists thought that it would be very improbable that destruction of moon, mars, earth will occur. But on 21st November  4,500,002,023, all connection from moon and mars were lost. We didn't knew why did that happen. When I heard this on my television. I left all my isolation and went towards Las Vegas.

                 When I entered that city, I felt anxious to see how much have changed. Skyscrapers, robots cleaning the street. But, less people? In my surrounding I was just able to see 2 to 3 people. But this was not my business. As an astronomer and a scientist of physics, my work was to find out what's going on. I went to the research and space travel hub. Met some of my past colleagues, rather than being surprised and happy to see me, they were in fear and horror. Something seemed to be wrong.

                    I checked the telescopes and other instruments and realised. There are meteors in the way of mars, moon and earth. There were no way we could communicate with them because of the signal issue. And there was too no way that they could know that they are going to die!

                    My wife, Mariana Cover was one the the innocent people who lost their life on 3rd of December 4,500,002,023 when a big chunk of meteor hit mars and the mars became a red ball of magma. It was traumatic. Looking up in the sky and realizing your looking at the death of 37 Billion humans.

                   On 11th of December 4,500,002,023 a meteor of a spindal shape hit moon and created a hole inside it. The atmosphere was destroyed and no human could survive. Lost all 3 Billion of them.

                 That day I wanted to modify a spaceship where 50,789 can live there for 20 to 30 years. And today on 27th March 4,500,002,024 I'm able to do it.
I will spread this message all over the cities so most of the people are able to evacuate......

                Reading that, I put down the diary that I found below the table. Daniel Cover is the man who will be responsible for saving the civilization. Guess I was also like him, living in isolation. But thank god, now I understood everything. 

                  I picked up the map which pointed an area at the edge of Las Vegas. I think that's where the spaceship is. I walked out of the house with hope. I know it's probably more 160 kilometers away but. I can do this. I ran, and kept on running with hope and ambition until I found a dead man lying on the road. He was wearing and ID Card, it was written Daniel Cover.

               My hopes broke infront of my eyes and I started crying. God, it is not fair! Are we all going to die?

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