Chapter 1

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How are you doing?


Asha POV

"Hmm, 5 more minutes," I muttered groggily as the alarm pierced through the peaceful silence of my room. With a lazy swipe of my hand, I silenced the incessant noise, my eyes refusing to open fully.

'Finally,' I thought, relishing the warmth of my cocoon-like blanket as I snuggled deeper into its embrace. Just as I began to drift back into the blissful realm of slumber, the alarm rudely interrupted once again!

I couldn't believe how quickly time flew when you were trying to steal a few extra moments of sleep. But then, amidst the annoyance, a realization dawned upon me like a bolt of lightning - that wasn't the sound of my alarm! It was the cries of my godson!

My eyes snapped open, and I turned towards the left side of the room where Kai, my godson, lay in his crib, his tiny face scrunched up in distress.

"Oh, poor child," I murmured sympathetically as I hurried over to him, scooping him up gently in my arms. Kai, despite being seven months old, still seemed so small for his age. It had been six months since the heartbreaking passing of my best friend, Angela.

Angela and I had been inseparable since our days at an all-girls boarding school in Edinburgh. We'd shared everything from secrets to dreams, laughter to tears. And now, here I was, thrust unexpectedly into the role of Kai's guardian, navigating the complexities of parenthood without a clue of what I was doing. But one thing was certain - I would do everything in my power to give Kai the love and care he deserved, just as Angela would have wanted. For the sake of our friendship.

"Why are you crying, dear?" I cooed softly to my godson, cradling him gently in my arms. Kai's sobs began to subside as he looked up at me with teary eyes, his bottom lip quivering.

"I know you're hungry, aren't you?" I continued, trying to decipher the reason behind his distress. Kai remained silent, his gaze fixed on me with a mixture of curiosity and need.

With a determined resolve to ease his discomfort, I made my way to the kitchen, flipping on the room-temperature lights with a series of soft clicks. The gentle illumination bathed the space in a warm, inviting glow, casting comforting shadows across the familiar countertops and cabinets.

As I reached the kitchen, I glanced down at Kai, who was now staring wide-eyed at the array of utensils and appliances that adorned the room. His fascination with the world around him never failed to bring a smile to my face, reminding me of the innocent wonder that children possess.

Setting Kai down in his high chair, I began to prepare his bottle, the rhythmic clinking of the formula tin and the swishing sound of water filling the bottle filling the air. With each movement, I couldn't help but marvel at the simplicity of this act - providing nourishment and comfort to a tiny soul who depended on me for everything.

As I finished preparing Kai's bottle, I scooped him back up into my arms, the warm milk ready to soothe his hunger. With careful steps, I made my way back to the comfort of my master bedroom, the soft glow of the night lamp casting a gentle warmth across the room.

"Are you alright now?" I murmured to Kai as I settled him into the plush nest of pillows and blankets on my king-sized bed. "It's still 4 o'clock in the morning, so you need to go back to your dreams. Alright?"

Kai's eyes met mine, his tiny fingers wrapping around the bottle as he eagerly latched on, the rhythmic sucking sounds filling the quiet room. With a contented sigh, I nestled beside him, propping myself up on one elbow to watch over him as he drank.

The room was bathed in a serene glow, the only source of light emanating from the gentle glow of the night lamp beside us. Shadows danced across the walls, casting a serene ambiance that enveloped us in a cocoon of tranquillity.

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⏰ Last updated: May 18 ⏰

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