Lost in a Supernova II

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They followed the purple creature all the way to the circular contraption, and once again, it held the void. With them all knowing better, they weren't as nervous about it as they were previously, but it was still a little unsettling.

Ignoring whatever argument Matatagi and Mizukawa were having, Kimiko took another good look around. Then, purely out of curiosity, she activated her abilities and focused on the machine in front of her.

Space technology and future technology don't seem all that different... If they really are made from the same components, then maybe I can bring a pretty useful souvenir back...

However, she had just barely caught a glimpse when her sight suddenly cut out.


Blinking, whatever it was that she felt suddenly disappeared. Okay? Weird...

"Something wrong?" Her best friend's voice was quiet, but it was right next to her ear, preventing others from hearing.

She gave a single shoulder shrug, indicating that she didn't know. But it didn't seem like a big deal, so she made a mental note to just consult her future friends once they were done here.

The Pixie flew around, gathering their attention to the disc once again. And like all the times before, it glowed bright, sending them all to another memory.


Once again, the throne room was shown, this time with Acrous on it. Five people stood before him, one of them being Minel and the rest being the nobles who bowed to the previous king.

One of the nobles, Donolzen, asked the new king for his first order. She stated how there was a planet, 7 lights away, rich with resources. She stated how, if he willed it...

"... Donolzen, you have a family, do you not? Have they been faring well?"

That was not at all what she expected to hear. "Y-Yes... Thanks to your highness..."

"The people of that planet must have families too. War brings only suffering to both enemies and allies."

He clearly had no intentions of following his father's footsteps, and none of the nobles are happy about that.

The scene then cuts to what seems to be tens of years in the future, still in that same throne room. A much-older Acrous was pacing back and forth as a similar-to-present-time Minel watched on.

"King Acrous, please calm down..."

"Y-Yes... I know, but..."

It was quite something to see the king so flustered, especially after everything else he'd gone through, but soon, it was revealed why.

A servant ran in, an excited smile on her face.

"King Acrous! She has been born! A princess!"

"Oh! I see! A princess, is it?" Only then did the king allow himself to relax.

"King Acrous, congratulations." Minel, too, shared his joy.

"Yes. And I've already decided on her name. 'Lalaya'. In the old Faramian language, it is a word that means 'happiness'."

"Princess Lalaya..."

The scene cuts once again to several years later, out in the main plaza of town. The young princess had grown up to be a toddler and was standing right by her father as he addressed his citizens.

The people cheered for their king. For their princess. For their planet.

And Acrous took the time to teach the girl the most important lesson he believed she needed to know.

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