9 max saw shridha

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"Okk so now tell me how did you married and why did you married" asked sridha in total hurry .

"Chill babes her father made her marry that hot smell so good dude against her will , and they haven't fucked yet because she isn't comfortable with him "

"Shut up you're not suppose to say these things in classroom"said sridha

"Why not look there is no one in the class they all have went out for lunch so I guess we can talk about anything we want to " said Abha .

"Okk now you shut up and let her talk " said sridha .

"Told you she isn't interested in my gossips " Said Abha shrugging her shoulder and folding her hands on her chest."

Radha laughed at Abha statement and shooked her head .

"Radha will you plz tell me everything why did you married just in a time of week " asked sridha totally concerned for her friend.

"Papa made me do this ,he didn't tell me why though but he made me do it

"Are you happy with this marriage, does he care for you and does he love you? "

"Yes he care for me but I don't know about love , he said he married me because he likes me since the day he first saw me but when did he first saw me he didn't tell me "

"WHF , your love story seems like a book story when male lead falls for female lead and made her marry him " said excited Abha .

"Shut up there is nothing like that"

"Okk tell me are you happy or not " asked sridha again with all her concern .

"Don't know ,It's only been a day since the wedding ,till now I'm okk but don't know about future " said Radha in a low sad tone.

" If he made you sad just let us know we will pull all his hair from his head" said Abha in a total rowdy tone which made Radha laugh a little and shridha felt relax seeing her friend laughing .

"Do you even know who my husband is ?"

"Doesn't matter only thing which matters is if he keeps you happy or not " said Abha .

"Guys I think you both should meet my husband " said Radha thinking a mischievous plan in her mind .

"Ohh that's a great idea we would love to "

"Okkk guys I will invite you both soon at my house for a dinner "

"Okk" said sridha and Abha in unison.

After some hours their classes ended and they all came out college campus to go their home .

Outside college campus Radha saw Max standing there leaning on car door fram wearing black sunglasses when suddenly he removed his sunglasses and started starting somewhere .when Radha tried to look in the direction of his eyes she saw people leaving for their home,when suddenly her friends sridha and Abha waved towards her with their hands from same direction when Radha realised Max is basically staring at her friends.

" Why the fuck he is staring at my friends" thought Radha and said "can we leave now ."

Max hummed and opened door of back seat of car ,Radha sat inside and car headed towards their destination.

Okkkk that's it for this chapter let's wait for the next one.

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