The Time Has Come

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Adam walked up to the house. He was sure he had the right one and that he gave her enough time to prepare. The front door was unlocked. He walked in and locked it behind him, finding the note which showed him where the alarm panel was. He entered the code and re-armed the front door. He then looked around the house. It was nice. Big living room, nicely stocked kitchen like he asked. Big well built dining room table and several large pieces of furniture all over the house. 

Finally, Adam made his way to the Master Bedroom. He slowly opened the door and found his new plaything. He found Natalie bound in an almost professional manner. It was much more than he expected. The stocks were professionally built by a carpenter. She attached them to the bed perfectly as well. The cuffs and ropes on her wrists were excellent too. Adam could tell just how much Natalie wanted this to happen. He began to let an idea that crept into his mind a day ago to permeate. He read the list of tickle spots on the left side of Natalies near perfect body. She definitely went to the gym. He licked his lips as he looked at her in her sexy black bra and panties. She had no idea that he was staring down at her in her sexy underwear, all strapped down and helpless. He watched her chest heave up and down as she breathed in and out. 

The list read 

Arches, toes, tummy, bellybutton, armpits, thighs, and knees. Im not sure what else is ticklish. You'll have to find out for yourself.

He then read the letter about herself that she left on the right side of her. 

Dear Maximus

I am so glad we were able to meet for this. I have to be honest, I am a little nervous. But at the same time, I can't wait for it to happen. I've had this fantasy for too long. The way we're meeting isn't exactly the way I'd imagined lol. On the other hand, it seems like this isn't your first rodeo and I am willing to see it through. I hope you like what you see. I ramped up my gym routine the past month in preparation. The kitchen is stocked like you asked and everything was laid out to your specifications. I managed to set up my bed into a bondage bed so that we can make the most of this. And just maybe, if this goes well, use it again. Well I'm sure you're tired of reading and want to get to the fun at hand. Hope I don't disappoint as a ticklee. 



Adam read this and got more and excited. He made up his mind. This was going to be a great time. He looked down as Natalie started moving her hand all around. He realized she was trying to get the remote for the restraints. Too bad he had already taken it and placed it on the bedside table. We won't need this for a while, he thought. He then went down to her well restrained feet.

He took out a simple tooth pick and started dragging it up and down her left sole. Natalie immediately started squealing and laughing behind her gag.


He loved her reaction. Since she listed it as the most ticklish, he made sure to take his time on her arches. She moved her feet slightly in the toe ties. She'd done a good job of tying them, but he could do better. He stopped tickling her and untied them. She seemed a bit puzzled as he did so. Adam went to her dresser and found her socks. He took a pair for each foot. He rolled them up and placed them behind her feet. He then took the string and tied her toes back over the socks. This stretched her feet out and made her arches curved and taught. Once he was done, Adam could see Natalie trying to move her toes. Only the tops that were over the strings moved, the rest of her feet were completely immobile. Adam took the same tooth pick and went up and down her left sole. This sent a shockwave through Natalie unlike before. She screamed at first and shook her head so much, she shook her headphones off. Adam stopped and sat down next to her. He thought it was time to introduce himself to his new toy. 

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⏰ Last updated: May 26 ⏰

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