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Hey guys welcome back to my yt channcl

Im so jk


As Izuku emerged from the steamy confines of the shower, his skin shimmered with moisture, rivulets tracing paths down his neck and chest, disappearing under the towel loosely tied around his waist. His hair, damp and tousled, framed his flushed face, drops of water clinging to his eyelashes like delicate dew.

Katsuki stood captivated by the sight, his throat tightening with desire. The ambient light of the room caught on each droplet, making Izuku look like he was cloaked in a glistening sheen. As Izuku stepped closer, the air between them charged with electricity, palpable and thrilling.

Reaching out, Katsuki brushed his fingertips across Izuku's wet shoulder, feeling the cool dampness against his warm skin. Izuku shivered at the contact, his breath catching in his throat. Encouraged by the reaction, Katsuki trailed his fingers down Izuku's arm and whispered huskily, "You look irresistible like this, all wet and just for me."

Izuku's cheeks flushed a deeper red, and he leaned into Katsuki, closing the small gap between them. "Kacchan," he breathed out, his voice a mix of need and admiration, "I can't think when you touch me like that."

Katsuki's lips curved into a half-smile at Izuku's admission. He leaned in, pressing his lips softly against Izuku's, tasting the lingering drops of water that clung there. The kiss was gentle at first, exploratory, but as Izuku responded, parting his lips, it deepened, growing more insistent.

Katsuki pulled back slightly, his eyes locked on Izuku's. "I want to taste every part of you," he murmured, tracing his thumb over Izuku's lower lip, feeling its softness and the wet trace his thumb left behind. His voice was low, filled with a promise that sent a shiver down Izuku's spine. "Every single drop."

Overwhelmed by the intensity in Katsuki's gaze, Izuku could only nod, his own hands reaching up to tangle in Katsuki's hair, pulling him back down to reclaim his lips. The kiss was no longer gentle but charged with raw desire, as they both gave in to the passion that had been building between them, each touch and word stoking the fiery connection into a blazing inferno.

As the tension between them crackled like electricity, Katsuki's desire surged, a primal force demanding to be unleashed. With a hunger that bordered on obsession, he reached out, his fingertips tracing a scorching trail down Izuku's chest, the damp fabric of the towel beneath his touch a tantalizing barrier between them.

Izuku's breath caught in his throat as Katsuki's hand dipped lower, his touch setting Izuku's nerves alight with a searing heat that left him trembling with anticipation. His eyes fluttered shut as he surrendered to the overwhelming wave of sensation, his body arching into Katsuki's touch, seeking more.

With a husky growl, Katsuki leaned in close, his lips brushing against Izuku's ear as he whispered words that sent shivers of pleasure coursing through Izuku's veins. "You have no idea how badly I've been wanting to touch you like this," he murmured, his voice dripping with desire. "To feel you, to taste you, to make you mine."

Izuku moaned softly at Katsuki's words, his body humming with need as he pressed closer, his arousal evident even through the thin fabric of the towel. "Kacchan," he breathed out, his voice thick with desire, "please..."

Katsuki's lips curved into a wicked smirk at Izuku's plea, his hand moving with purpose as he palmed Izuku's arousal through the fabric, eliciting a guttural moan from Izuku's lips. "You like that, don't you?" he murmured, his voice low and rough with desire. "You like it when I touch you, when I make you feel good."

Izuku could only nod, his mind spinning with desire as Katsuki's touch sent waves of pleasure crashing over him. With each caress, each whispered word, he felt himself teetering on the edge of ecstasy, his senses ablaze with the intensity of their shared desire.

YooooowzzzzzzuuuppOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz