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Izuku wearily stepped through the front door after a long day at work, the weight of exhaustion evident in his posture. To his surprise, Katsuki was already at the table, a hint of impatience in his expression. As Izuku began to take off his shoes, confusion flickered across his face, wondering what had prompted such a prompt and unexpected dinner scene.

Katsuki, without uttering a word, quickly rose from his seat. However, Izuku couldn't help but notice a different kind of intensity in Katsuki's gaze, a subtle arousal that added a layer of intrigue to the atmosphere. As Izuku met Katsuki's eyes, the unspoken tension between them heightened, leaving Izuku both surprised and intrigued.

As Izuku settled into his seat after a long day at work, he felt a sudden, unexpected warmth enveloping his waist. Startled, he turned to find Katsuki standing behind him, his strong hands firmly encircling Izuku's waist. The air crackled with a charged intensity as Katsuki's touch conveyed a message that words had yet to express.

Izuku's heartbeat quickened, a mixture of surprise and anticipation coursing through him. Katsuki's actions spoke of a desire that needed no verbal confirmation. The room seemed to shrink as their unspoken connection deepened, the silence amplifying the intimacy of the moment.

Caught off guard, Izuku met Katsuki's eyes, finding a blend of vulnerability and passion. The unspoken tension lingered between them, making the simple act of Katsuki wrapping his hands around Izuku's waist a profound statement of closeness and desire, turning an ordinary evening into a moment they both would remember.

As Izuku settled into his seat after a long day at work, Katsuki, with a sudden burst of intensity, pulled him in close. The proximity between them diminished, and Izuku could feel the heat radiating from Katsuki's body. A low, involuntary groan escaped from Izuku's lips, the unexpected closeness sending shivers down his spine.

Katsuki's grip was firm, his hands at Izuku's waist creating an electrifying connection. The room seemed to pulse with an unspoken energy as Katsuki's actions stirred a mixture of surprise and desire in Izuku. The sound of Izuku's groan hung in the air, a raw expression of the intensity between them.

Caught in the moment, Izuku's gaze met Katsuki's, and the unspoken understanding deepened. Katsuki's pull had created a magnetic force, drawing them into a shared space where words became secondary to the palpable connection that pulsed through every touch and every groan, making the ordinary evening unexpectedly extraordinary.

As Izuku settled into his seat after a long day at work, a sudden surge of heat enveloped him as Katsuki's hands trailed down his sides. The touch was electrifying, igniting a sensation that made Izuku's breath catch. A low, throaty groan escaped from Izuku's lips, the unexpected and intimate gesture sending waves of desire through him.

Katsuki's hands, with a deliberate yet gentle touch, continued their descent, tracing a path that seemed to set Izuku's skin ablaze. The room pulsed with a charged energy as Katsuki's actions deepened the connection between them. Izuku, caught in the whirlwind of sensations, couldn't help but respond with a groan that echoed the intensity of the moment.

Their eyes locked, conveying a mutual understanding that transcended words.

As Izuku wearily stepped through the front door after a long day at work, Katsuki's voice, laced with a mix of impatience and desire, whispered into his ear. "Took you long enough," he murmured, the words sending a tingle down Izuku's spine. "I've been waiting for you."

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