Main Entry

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McKenna Scott

"Class, there will be a quiz game show that our school has been selected to participate in. We are looking for contestants to represent our school for this show biz that is going to be shown on television. 2 people per team. Anyone interested? If yes, you can come to me and collect the form, otherwise you can receive it from the front office," Mrs Willow announced.

As some of them dashed to get the form, I glanced at Lee, who was sitting beside me, staring out the window.

"Lee," I called.

He whipped his head around to face me, his eyes glistening, making me lost in them.

"Are you interested?" I asked.

"In what?" he tilted his head slightly to the side.

"The game show Mrs Willow just talked about."

"And what's that?"

I mentally facepalmed myself, "You weren't listening, were you?"

He shrugged, giving me a sheepish smile.

I repeated what Mrs Willow said. "So?"

"I don't know. I mean I can beat all of them without even trying," he smirked and I rolled my eyes. Boast.

"But honestly, going on TV? No thanks," he continued, shaking his head.

"But I want to and I know I'll embarrass myself with the little shit I know but this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity."

He shook his head again, even more vigorously this time.

"Please?" I begged.

We just did the same action again and again for like 5 minutes until he finally gave in. "Fine," he groaned, running a hand down his face.

"Yay!!" I cheered, giving him a peck on the cheek.


After getting the form from the front office, we read the rules on the fully-written paper. It said that we have to compete against the students in our school and the team who won the 1st place gets to enter the official game show. The date and time was written below it.

"Remind me, okay? I'm very sure I will forget," Lee said, filling up the form.

"Of course," I replied, filling up mine too.

Once they were completed, we handed them to Ms Betty, who gave us mini York peppermint patties before we left. Lee held my hand as we headed to the cafeteria for our lunch. I looked at him, a smile tugging on the corners of my lips. He smiled back, kissing my forehead and letting his lips linger there.

PDA? Nope since there's no one around.

TMI? Definitely not since we ain't having no ... Nevermind.


I've been trying to contact Lee all day but to no avail and our in-school quiz competition is in 2 days.

I trudged to the cafeteria, thinking that I would see him on the way but unfortunately, there was no signs of him.

I grabbed a plate of bacon and eggs and headed to our usual table where Justin and Kara were making out. I rolled my eyes, "Guys, take this somewhere else."

They sat up, blushing fiercely. I chuckled, settling in my seat. "Have you seen Lee?" I asked.

They both shook their heads. "What's wrong?" Justin asked.

I shrugged, "I've been trying to call him since forever."

"Maybe you should go find him in his room?" Kara suggested.

"Yeah, since I'm free till 1."

I was eating my food when someone came towards us, handing us a flyer. "Do support," he smiled and left.

The three of us scrutinized the mysterious piece of paper that was on the table. It read:
Surf the Danger Waves
Come join us at the Jacksonville Beach and witness a surfing challenge where participants have to surf on sharks and do cool stunts for victory.

The competition was today, in the evening. The judges names and prizes were written at the bottom of the flyer.

"Let's check it out," Kara said, excitement sparkling in her eyes.

Justin shrugged, "If you say so babe, but if a shark or a body covered in blood appears on the ground in front of you, don't freak out."

"I won't, promise. McKenna, you coming?" she turned to me.

"It's fine with me," I replied, plastering a fake smile but the anxiety inside me was eating my heart.

What if Lee had join this competition?
I mean he had done crazier stuffs but similarly, this had his life dangling on a thin piece of thread and I can't bear to just sit down and do nothing. Plus the competition is nowhere far from now and I don't want him to get injured. The last time I remembered was when he cut himself with a razor and, oh how much it bled. The thought of it makes my heart break. This might be a different situation but it hurts to watch him suffer, especially in silence and I still have time to stop him.

But Parker's words rang in my head, "You just deal with it. It's not going to last forever."

I sighed, running my fingers through my hair. I felt useless. It's as though I know he's in pain but I just stand there and watch, like an evil murderer or something. Cue the evil laughter.

It's just like how I stood there and saw my sister, lying motionless in the bath. I felt like I was the one who caused her death, who killed her. This is too much for me to handle and I can feel my tears about to fall.

McKenna, get a hold of yourself. These are part of life and like what asshole, I'm not usually a vulgar person but this word suits him a lot, Parker said, you have to deal with it.


"Here to visit Lee, McKenna?" Dylan asked from behind the counter. I liked him. He seems too nice of a person to be working here.

"Yeah. Is he still in though?" I asked, signing myself in.

"I didn't see him walk out, so unless he abseiled down from the window, I'll say it's a no."

I chuckled, "Thanks."

I practically flew up the two flights of stairs and I found myself standing in front of Lee's dorm room door. I hesitated for a while before opening it. As usual, it was unlock but the room was empty. I took a seat on his futon. Maybe he went to the bathroom or something. I decided to wait for him for a few minutes. Sure enough, the door opened about 5 minutes later. "Hey," Lee greeted, beaming.


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