|drunk night|

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(This part might be for audiences of 13+, has alcoholic drinking in it and cuss words)

I'd slowly wake up, already annoyed and my day just started, like LITERALLY just started.

I was annoyed because I was dreaming about something good, I can't really remember that well, but I just know it was a good dream, and I obviously had to wake up out of it.. (I feel you bakugo🥲)

I was just glad I didn't have school anymore, I didn't have to go through a rough day at school, going in and out of sleep, tired as hell.

I'd get up and go to the bathroom, do my business, take a shower, and brush my teeth

I'd get out the bathroom with a towel around my waist, my v-line showing, and god damn I knew i was hot.

I'd get dressed and check myself out again like yesterday, seeing if I looked good

(Pick one of them)

(Glasses are optional)

Once I was done I went downstairs and sat on the couch, then checking my phone

I went to text todoroki

Free therapist

Hey icyhot



Should I head over now, it's 5pm and it'll take about 1 or 2 hours to get there.


I'd put my phone in my pocket and Grab my keys, going out the house and getting in my car

(Time skip to when he gets there cus I'm lazy, just imagine traffic was rlly bad and stuff, also it's now 6:42pm)

Once I finally got there, I was just on time, 18 minutes early actually.

I got out the car and walked up to the front door, waiting for Mina to answer

I saw the door cream open and a black yellow type of alien eye peak through the little crack that was open

"Bakubaeeee!!! Omg I haven't seen you in sooo longg!!!!" She said when she realized it was me

"Hey Mina" she was kind of surprised I called her by her name, but didn't question it

She gave me a big hug, obviously I hugged back.

"The party was just about to get started! Bakusquad and dekusquad are here already, you were the last one we were waiting for!"

Well.. I thought I was early, guess not.

I walked in and was greeted by izuku, sh- kirishima, and denks.

the others were in the kitchen. I saw Lida eyeing up the alcohol, tempted to drink it.

I'd go over to the cabinet and open it, grab a glass cup and go to the fridge, I was about to set it under the water dispenser that's on the fridge (idk what it's called) but kirishima stopped me

Why water?" He says in his usual annoying voice.

"Why can't I have water? " I asked with a bit of an annoyed tone in my voice.

"Your at a party bakubro, why not alcohol."

"Because that'd be my first time drinking alcohol." I'd make eye contact with kirishima

Hai finito le parti pubblicate.

⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: May 06 ⏰

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