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"Each day I spend here I begin to question my sanity"-kaito_________________________________________

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"Each day I spend here I begin to question my sanity"-kaito

3rd pov:

"My name is nihei from football journal, thankyou for accepting our request to interview you here today" a middle aged man began as he held a polite smile. He was holding a small journal while he sat seated in a chair in front of an unknown figure.

"It may be a bit sudden but up until now, you have been in the lower categories for the Real Madrid a world renowned institution." He leaned forward a bit as he propped up his elbows on his knees as he continued to speak.

"But before getting a chance to play for their first team you've now returned to Japan. Which leads to me asking, does that mean we'll get to see you play in our j-league?" The man questioned, the young man sitting in front of the interviewer stared blankly while he sat with one leg over the other while he leaned his head against his knuckles.

"To be honest, I'd rather die" the odd brunette stated bluntly who so happened to be the world renowned Itoshi sae, he narrowed his eyes before he signed as he continued to speak "rather than play football in this country, I'd much rather be playing with Germany college students"

The interviewer sweatdropped as he stared with a somewhat nervous expression at sae before he spoke again "okay... itoshi you were chosen by pifa to be a part of their youth world XI team, and on top of that you are a very promising middle fielder many teams would love to have in their line up" he stated as he awkwardly chuckled before he continued to speak.

"While you're all but certain to be the player to lead japans national team and represent our country I must ask, what are your thoughts and expectations regarding that?" He questioned.

Sae signed as he stood up from his spot on the chair  as he replied in that monotonous tone of his "I have no interest in it whatsoever, not only could I ever expect to win a championship with such a squad, it's not my biggest dream to begin with. That would be wining the champions league."

Sae made his way over to the door as he gripped the Handel pulling the door open as he turned his head back to look at the interviewer with that same blank look again as he finished off his sentence "there is no forward in this country worthy of receiving my passes, I was simply born in the wrong country" just like that sae shut the door behind himself as he exited the interview.

As sae began walking his manager caught up with him as he began speaking out of panic trying to lecture sae only for the teenager not to pay attention, as they walked they passed by a room which seemed to be a press conference that caught saes attention.

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