Chapter 5

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"I am very happy, but you must come back immediately! Something happend."

Adrien hangs up the phone scared.

"What happened fleabag?"

"It was Betterfly. He said to come quickly, because something happened."

"You don't think that..."

"That the Supreme found out about the plan, and the one who welcomed us was an illusion? That's exactly what I think."

"Our miraculous are at the headquarters. We have to go. NOW!"

Adrien and Marinette head towards the headquarters as fast as they can.

"I hope we don't arrive too late!"


A few minutes after the screen turned on, it suddenly stops.

"Who was on the phone?"

"It was Claw Noir. The plan worked and they tricked the Supreme."

"That's great. But now we have another problem. What just happened? What have you been doing now Nino?"

"Nothing. Except that I spilled the juice on the phone and then the screen turned on by itself."

"I think that the acid from the juice got into the stones and into the phone, causing a disturbance that triggered the circuit. And because the phone contained the news about Ladybug and Cat Noir we located in the other world, the screen turned into a window that allowed us to see what was happening in their world."

"Incredible! But it seems it didn't last for too long."

"Maybe because the spilled juice was in small quantity. If we could add a little more..."

"No, for now we're not doing anything Alya until everything dries. If we spill more juice, instead of activating the circuit, we might cause an explosion or worse. After all, the phone is not water resistant."

"But if we don't have to spill the juice on the phone. If in fact this whole process happened because the juice entered in the rocks? We could somehow connect them to the phone and that way we won't get blown up."

"It could work Nino, but I keep saying to wait until everything dries."

"All right Betterfly. You are the leader."

The elevator stars to descend. Adrien and Marinette arrived. Betterfly asked Alya and Nino to close their eyes, because they don't want their identities to be found out yet. After they transformed, they started to ask Betterfly questions.

"Is everything all right Betterfly? I see that all the things are still here and it's clean. Why did the Supreme attacked you? Was he looking for us?"

"The Supreme? He wasn't here. Why do you think that Claw Noir ?"

"Well, you said to come quickly, because something happened, and I thought you were attacked."

"Don't worry, everything is fine. We were not attacked. Something else happened."

"So what happened then Alya?"

"Well, this is going to sound weird, but Nino spilled some juice on the circuit there, and then this screen turned on by itself."

"And what is the problem? It also happens that devices give errors or start suddenly."

"Yes, that's right Shadybug, but the screen turned into a window, and showed us images from the other world."

Shadybug and Claw Noir are in socked.

"What the? How is that possible?"

"Are you saying that this screen has become a portal to the parallel world?"

"Not a portal. A window. And we saw what was happening in their world."

"And what was happening in their world Betterfly?"

"Ladybug and Cat Noir were staying on a roof and they were talking about some power called jubilation, who can show your deapest decises. I think it is the power of another miraculous. And apparently their greatest diseases is to get married and have children."

"How sweet! See cockroach, Ladybug and Cat Noir are toghether. Why don't we follow their example?"

Claw Noir is trying to kiss Shadybug on the cheek, but she anticipate his move and she push him away.

"In your dreams and my nightmares fleabag."

*whispering* "We'll see about that."

"Did you say something Claw Noir?"

"No Nino, and please don't call me that anymore. My new name is... Cat Noir."

"And mine is Ladybug."

Alya and Nino are smiling. They realize that the two of them really changed and are on the good side now.

"So if I understood correctly, a juice poured on some stones turned the screen into a way to see the parallel world?"

Alya, Nino and Betterfly nod affirmatively.

"But it didn't last long, only 2 and a half minutes."

"Then let's put more juice. That way it will last longer."

"Nino thought about this too, but for now we are not trying anything. It's all wet and if we put it in we risk an explosion or a short circuit."

"Okay, so what do we do now?"

"Nothing Ladybug. We'll wait until tomorrow."

*yawning* "Works for me."

"You are really tired. Go home. This days were hard for all of us."

"Al right Betterfly, we'll go, but we'll come back tomorrow. You should also get some rest. Come one fleabag."

"Coming my lady. Bye Alya, bye Nino!"

"Don't call me like that ever again!"

"As you say, my lady."

Alya and Nino are laughing.

"Things are starting to get better. Let's go home Nino. See you tomorrow Betterfly!"

"Take care of you kids."

After everyone left, Betterfly looked one more time at the screen.

"Let's hope that this new discovery will help us learn more about the Supreme."

Miraculous: Shadybug and Claw NoirWhere stories live. Discover now