Chapter 4

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(meanwhile, in the headquarters of the Resistance)

Betterfly called Alya and Nino to tell them the good news.

"We cam as soon as we get the message Betterfly. So what are the news you wanted to tell us? I see you still have your miraculous, so that means that they are good news?"

"Yes Alya, I have great news."

Betterfly told them everything that happened: how he fought with Shadybug and Claw noir, how Ladybug and Cat Noir appeared during the battle, how he told them about his dream of making his world a better place, how they decided to help him, how Shadybug and Claw Noir allied with Monarch, the owner of the butterfly miraculous from that world, but who was using it for evil and how Ladybug and Cat Noir convinced Shadybug and Claw Noir to become better people and to join the Resintance.

"The two of them came to me this morning. They received a letter from the Supreme, who wanted to see them at midnight. And because he threatened them that it would end badly if they did not fulfill the mission, Claw Noir thought of a plan by which the two of them would escape the torture he was going to subject them to."

"That sounds good, but..."

"Alya, somehow on the table are the miraculous of Shadybug and Claw noir? What are they doing here?"

"Don't worry Nino, it's all part of the plan."

"What plan exactly Betterfly?"

"They will go to see the Supreme, but not as Shadybug and Claw Noir, but as their normal versions. They will say that when they reached the other world, they met their alter versions, Ladybug and Cat Noir, but as superheroes. Then I convinced the two of them to fight by my side. Ladybug captured them, took their miraculous, and I sent them back here, and their miraculous remained in that world."

"The plan is really good, but are you sure the Supreme will believe them?"

"Well, it will probably end with violence and threats from him, but I'm sure he will believe them. Especially after he will see that the wounds they have are much deeper.

"What wounds?"

"I'll explain later Nino. The important thing is that he will no longer need them, so he will leave them alone."

"But Betterfly, the Supreme will not give up so easily. I'm sure he will find other people to complete the mission."

"I'm sure of that, but whatever happens, we'll be ready."

"However, what if it's just a trap. If they tricked you into thinking they've changed their minds and now want to join us in the resistance, and they're actually still working for the supremes. They could tell him everything and we could wake up anytime with him here."

"I'm sure that they are now on our side. Ladybug and Cat Noir convinced them that we can have a better world, that they can have better lives. And besides, they didn't argue like before, which is a good sign."

"You know what Alya, if Betterfly says that Shadybug and Claw Noir are on our side now, I believe him. And besides, we need their help if we want to defeat the Supreme."

"Fine Nino. They are welcome in the resistance. But I will still keep an eye on them, as a precaution."

"Thank you kids. It means a lot to me."

"This success must be celebrated. I'm going to get juice from the mini fridge."

"I am so happy that things starts to go well Betterfly."

"Me too Alya."

"Here is the juice."

"Nino, your shoelaces are untied. Be careful not to hinder yourself!"

"Don't worry, everything is under contr...AAAAAA!"

*Nino hinders and spills the juice on the circuit and the phone who were connected to the screen*

"O my... What have I done?"

*sparks start coming out of the stones and phone and the screen turns on by itself*

Betterfly is looking shocked at the screen.

"Betterfly, are they...?"

"Ladybug, that power of jubilation, it's supposed to show us our deepest decises, is it?"
"But that was, that wasn't real, right?"
"Tell me about it, the wedding, the babies, totally fake."
"Are you sure?"
"Monarch must alterated somehow, to trick us. Yes, that must be it."
"Of course, otherwise it will be totally super weird."
"Yes, totally, super weird..."

"Unbelievable, the juice transformed the screen in a window that allows us to see what is happening in the other world. Wow!"

Betterfly's stick started to vibrate. Claw Noir was calling him."

"Betterfly, we did it! He believed us. We are not in danger anymore."
"I am so happy, but you must come back immediately! Something happend."

Miraculous: Shadybug and Claw NoirWhere stories live. Discover now