Take a Break

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"Hey." Calvin said to me. Did he not notice? It was our two week anniversary of meeting. It wasn't a big deal. We had grown really close over the course of this past two weeks and he seemed to like me. I liked him a lot, and maybe a little more than platonically. Calvin seemed to like me a lot too, but it was like best friends, not a crush. I was close to calling him my crush but I couldn't because it'd make things weird.

"Two weeks ago today, we became friends. I celebrate the little things in life so here's your gift. You don't have to get me one." I handed him a gift bag with a couple of things in it.

As he opened it, he saw the pajama bottoms I stole from him and a couple of nail polishes. There was some candy and a note I wrote for him. "Heh, you gave back the pajama bottoms? I told you that you could keep those though." I smiled giddily. I didn't remember being told to keep them but you have to take it where you can get it.

"Oh sorry.. I don't remember you saying that. Do you want them or do you want me to keep them?" I asked him this because I didn't know whether he was offering because he wanted me to have them or because he wanted to be polite. I wouldn't know if he was being polite or he genuinely wanted me to have them even if he said he did because he could still be being polite. But for now, I'll be delusional and think that he wants me to have them, and that he's not just being polite.

"Yeah you can have them. They look nice on you." He said this with a soft smile. Was he flirting? Or was he just saying it so I wouldn't doubt myself. I thought of him as observant but was he observant for another reason? Like he has a..... crush, on me? I really need to stop being so delusional.

"Uhm... Thanks." I said this as I was blushing deeply. I had only met him two weeks ago, to the day. Why did I think he was so cute? I faked a cough so I could hide my face in my sleeve and I'd have time to stop blushing. He looked a bit concerned about the 'bad cough' I had. I felt bad for worrying him but I had to do it for our friendships sake.

"Also, I didn't forget about the two weeks, and I did get you some gifts." He handed me a box, about the size of a notebook, and the depth of two pink erasers. I undid the bow and I opened the box. There was an assortment of pins and nail polishes, along with a few DVDs and CDs. He spoke again. "I know it's not much but... I wanted to get you something." I smiled sheepishly at his cute remark. Did he by chance have a crush on me or was I delusional?

"Thank you so much, Calvin. This was too sweet of you..." I paused briefly. "I really love this gift. Can I have a hug?" I asked. This was my chance to get closer to him along with getting a hug with him. We hadn't hugged before and I was worried that I'd freak him out with this request, but I had to give it a shot. He nodded ever so slightly and held his open arms to me. We hugged and it felt magical. He smelt sweet, like lavender and eucalyptus. He was very warm and comforting, which I didn't expect. I was full of nerves but he made it better.


The thought was racing through my mind. Calvin. A cute guy. He was cute and he might have a crush on me. That's a first. I wanted nothing more than to ask him to be my boyfriend. We were in Algebra and since it was Thursday, we got to sit with a partner. I, of course, chose Calvin. We were sitting next to each other and I had a pencil in my hand, mindlessly messing with it. That's when I heard Calvin's voice.

"Can I..?" he asked while nodding at the pencil. I looked at him, a bit confused until I noticed he was nodding at the pencil.

"Yeah. Of course." He grabbed the pencil and sat it on the desk. He could tell I was fidgeting and he felt bad. I didn't notice this so I started to pick at my nails. I then felt his arm on mine. He just kind of stopped it there. Like he was going to hold my hand, but stopped, I immediately stopped fidgeting, but there was something new. Love. I giggled a little and he looked at me. He had a cheeky look in his eyes. He knew what he was doing and he didn't regret it. We were both blushing immensely and he just kept on sneaking glances at me. He knew I saw him glancing, but that's what kept him looking. I relaxed my arm a little and let it happen. The real question was to fall, or not to fall. To love, or not to love? To love was always the answer. As the bell rang, Calvin gave me back my pencil. We grabbed our stuff and we walked to his house while crossing arms.

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