Chapter Seven

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After a little more walking around, we left the mall and went back home. Once we got back, I went and sat down on my bed and thought over the whole fiasco. And I remembered I hadn't even gotten any blush! Shoot! That means I have to go back some other time. Without Jacob. Definitely without Jacob. So I just flopped back and took a deep breath of sheer exhaustion. I was just nodding off when HE decided to show up in my room! Will I ever get a break?! So I just lazily said, "What do you want...?" He said he just wanted to know if I needed anything. I said no so he just floated out of my room. Then he floated back in my room and said, "Can I crash in here tonight? I've been lonely every night and I finally have company."
I thought for a second. Isn't that like, weird? Like I'm a girl, he's a boy. Sleeping in the same room sounds weird to me if we're not siblings. Even if we were- you know what? I don't care. Whatever. This is too much for my tired brain to deal with right now. So I just sleepily mumbled, "Sure, I guess."
I just went back to sleep. Goodnight, world, and Jacob.

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⏰ Last updated: May 23 ⏰

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