Johnny Depp- Don't Leave Me All Alone

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I did my makeup and sighed as I saw Johnny staring at me in the mirror

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I did my makeup and sighed as I saw Johnny staring at me in the mirror. He looked like a sad puppy watching his owner leave.

"Johnny... Baby stop that." I say softly as I start working on my eyes.

"Don't Leave me all alone then. I'm gonna be bored baby and I won't have anything to do." He said. He pulls himself up from bed and wraps his arms around my waist and puts his head on my shoulder.

"Play some music or call Tim. I'm sure he wouldn't mind hanging out with you." I tell him as I add blush.

"Nooooo I want you baby, I need you here. Plus I don't think Tim would let me kiss and cuddle him. That would be kinda odd." He says before he starts to kiss my neck. I tsk in disapproval and look at him warningly through the mirror. He only looks at me like an innocent school boy.

"Bubba, it's for work, and I'll be back before you know I'm gone." I tell him as I finish up and then go to kiss him. He smiles at the nickname but goes right back to frowning.

"No you won't. I'll know you're gone every second of every minute and every minute of every hour." He responded pouting sadly.

"Oh my gosh you're so dramatic babe." I say laughing. He tries to keep from laughing as well as  he attempts to deepen his frown. I kiss his pout to which he immediately kissed me back and pushes me towards the bed. I quickly pull away and run from the room.

"Nooooooooo." He whines. He chases me down the stairs and grabs me from behind as I reach for my shoes. He starts to kiss me again and I giggle against his lips.

"Stop being so difficult." I whisper as our kissing slows.

"Im not. Is it too much to ask for you to be at home just some of the time?" He asks sadly.

"John this is how I felt when you left all the time. I wanted this job to take my mind off of being alone all the time." I say back sympathetically.

"How about this, let's make a deal. We'll both work but any parties for work we won't do so we can spend time together." I say. He smiles and nods in agreement. As if right on cue my phone rang. "Hello." I say.

"Where are you, you're about to be late?" My bosses deep voice rings out. I could hear the party happening in the back round.

"I'm sorry, I can't make it. Something came up, sorry boss. I'll see you tomorrow."I say.

"What's so important that you can't celebrate with your colleagues?" He chuckled. I knew that he knew full well what came up. I stare at Johnny for a moment whose listening and fiddling at my shirt.

"A clingy boyfriend." I say honestly. My boss laughed and told me he understood. All while Johnny practically yelled how he's not clingy and just wants his girlfriend home. I rolled my eyes and said goodbye to my boss.

"I'm not clingy." Johnny whispers to himself as he practically drags me upstairs. I chuckle shaking my head. We go up stairs and cuddle and talk until we fall asleep.
Thanks for reading 💙 I hope you enjoyed!

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