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A week has passed since I arrived at the pack house.

Azrael and Kronos insisted that I get settled before showing up at Pack dinner.

Even though we had spoken, every time I tried to see Kronos, he was always out on patrol. I tried different times but did not prevail. It was always the same guard who would tell me, "I'm sorry, Rhea. Alpha Kronos is not here today."

He was avoiding me.

But why?

Word has gone around that Kronos found his mate. Many of the pack members were eager to meet me. I kept to myself and didn't go into the main house of the pack.

Honestly, I wasn't sure they'd approve of me.

I have to have my Luna Ceremony to mind link with everyone. The bond with my pack members has weakened, and I've been gone for too long.

So now I'm not able to mind link anyone. The ceremony should fix that, though. After speaking with Kronos, he agreed to let me help him and do Luna's duties. However, to do Luna's duties, I had to participate in the ceremony to be Luna.

He promised to set up the Luna celebration this week. The pack dinner was tonight.
I'd finally get to see everyone again after so many years.

I sighed, closing my book and missing my best friend, Coco. I wish I had someone to talk to about everything.

Coco has been busy with Azrael. Because of that, I haven't had the chance to ask her anything. Why didn't she tell me anything?

That conversation with Azrael and Kronos had me up and running for answers.

For ten years, I lived away from the pack, and all this time, something was happening to my mate.

To the pack.

So many lies.

And I had no idea about it.

Lost in my thoughts, I didn't notice Coco enter my room and sneak up on me.

"Boo!" She said, attempting to scare me.

I stared at her, frowning.

Seeing that I wasn't spooked, her shoulders dropped in disappointment.

"Aww... it was easier to scare you back then. Now that you're grown, it's gotten harder." She whined.

Shaking my head, I muttered, "Why didn't you tell me what happened to Kronos?"

Coco's eyes widened at my question. "How did you—"

I threw my hands up in the air in exasperation. "Seriously? Are you concerned with how I found out? Spill the beans, Coco. Why didn't you tell me the events that took place while I was gone?"

Coco nervously laughed, "Geez, Rhea. Did you not get enough sleep or something? I was gone for a while, but I'm here now. What happened?"

I glared at her, "Please don't play jokes anymore, Coco. Stop the lies."

She looked to the side in shame. "I-I honestly..." she sighed. "I didn't want you to feel any more than you already did. You were a child, Rhea. I can't say more than that.

"All this secrecy is stupid." I spat out, upset. "After all this time, I'd occasionally asked once in a while, 'How was the pack?' You would tell me they were fine and nothing special was occurring. I feel lied to!"

"For your protection, Rhea!"

"What if I didn't need protection? We're werewolves! We deal with tragedy and death all the time. If something happens in the pack, let me know! Now, I'm the only one in this pack who must live ignorantly, not knowing anything. I feel like a child, and I'm twenty-two years old!"

The Muted Alpha - REWRITTEN~ONGOINGWhere stories live. Discover now