Way to go Mikasa!

''You can't possibly think, I'll let that devil midget walk into our house!'' Eren's voice cracked, as his infuriating look cut through my frightening body. It was the first time; he'd actually scare me – like for reals. It wasn't new, we had a lot of childish fights in the past, but this time, it just looked like I've taken a huge risk. I really took it to far this time.

But what did I exactly do wrong?

Telling him a possibility was nothing that infuriating. If I would to tell him, Levi and I had some feelings for each other, or, that's what it seemed like, he would kill the guy. Having a protective brother was okay, but when Eren goes too far, it's not good for anyone.

And I mean it.

''O come on Eren,'' I tried to defend myself, while standing up. ''It's just the, um, he's...'' I trailed of sinking into silence. It wasn't the best time thinking about his dreamy eyes and the way he touched me, cared about me.

He's a guy I really like. Well, I think I'm crazy about him than just liking him... my mind spoke in my tiny head.

''He's what?'' Eren snapped me out of my little trance, raising his eyebrow, while clenching his fists across his chest. His eyes showed pure hatred towards my blue-eyed raven and it was all because of the day I bumped into him.

It was all my fault Eren will never understand how much I actually care for Levi.

I screeched the back of my head and sighed. This conversation was harder than I anticipated. ''He's my captain and it would be fair enough to invite him. It's not like he's coming alone, I'll invite the whole team as well. '' That was the best excuse I could give. And surprisingly, it worked; it looked like my reply made Eren relax a little. His eyes brightened, making him look calm, as he drag his hand through his messy brown hair, sighing loudly.

''Well, I'll consider it. But if he comes and gets close to me, I won't be able to tame myself,'' he glanced at me, his expression deadly serious, ''but you probably knew that.''

I smiled and tapped his shoulder. ''If it comes to that, I'll dill with him myself.''

But not in a way you think.

At least my comment made Eren chuckle. He stepped closer and playfully messed my hair. At least he wasn't angry anymore, which gave me a feeling of comfort.

The whole argument made me a little tired and the next thing I knew, I was too exhausted to stay up late, so I wished him goodnight and dragged myself up the stairs, changing into my oversized T-shirt, which was actually Eren's and lay on the bed. My eyes were pinned onto the ceiling, and before I realised, I fell into a peaceful slumber, dreaming about Levi.


''Mikasa.'' A peaceful mumble pierced through my ears, while something brushed through my hair. I opened my eyes slightly, adjusting them to the rough sunlight, coming out of my window. Groaning, I turned to the side holding my hand over my eyes.

''Mikasa,'' the voice tensed a little and I felt a couple of fingers brushing my cheeks. But I was way too exhausted to reply, so I just yawned, pushing the unknown hand away from my face. After my attempt of sleeping along, I heard someone sigh beside me as the bedsheets moved like someone jumped onto the bed.

''MIKASA! Wake up, shithead!'' a loud voice screamed next to my ear, a pair of hands shaking me fearlessly. The abrupt move surprised me so much, my eyes opened in a flash as I flew out of the bed, brushing my ear wildly. Only then I could see an overly excited Eren grinning at me from my comfortable bed. His eyes wildly sparkled in amusement as I groaned even loudly, frowning my forehead in anger.

The blue-eyed raven (Rivamika fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now