Chapter 17

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This morning I was very surprised to hear DG's request.

I had just finished talking to my father and as I was walking out with Gun to attend the festival DG had stopped me asking if I could do him a favour and bring a student at J High named M/n L/n to him due to an emergency at PTJ.

This request shocked me based on the fact that It was unlike DG to ask for a favour in general.

Not to mention the tone in his voice when he asked, although he tried to make it seem not so, I could definitely hear the slight desperation in his voice when he muttered, "M/n's" name.

I have never seen DG like that before.

In all my time knowing him he had always been calm and collected.

So seeing even the slightest crack in his composure was enough to pique my interest.

Who is this guy to DG?

"Is there something you want to ask, Miss?" A voice cut me off my thoughts as M/n looked over to me with a polite smile.

Damn have I been staring the whole time?

"Oh um- yeah I just realised I never introduced myself sorry!" I said as an excuse.

"I'm Crystal Choi, a friend of DG's." She said.

"And that is Gun, my bodyguard. Again, sorry about before."

"It's okay I understand." M/n replied with an understanding smile.

Wow he's really charming isn't he.
I feel like I'm being blinded from his shining aura.

Crystal thought yet again unconsciously staring at the ravishing male.

Gun.. could he be the same guy he was always complaining about?

M/n thought perplexed glancing at the said man.

No surely it's just a coincidence it can't be him.

Well if it is him- M/n was put in a risky situation.

If this is the Gun, Goo works with does that mean he knows DG as well What if he's with him right now?

M/n thought perplexed.

"We're here." Gun said.

He opened the door for the two as both Crystal and M/n got out.

"Hey do you mind if I stay out here for a bit? I just need a bit of fresh air for a second."

"It's okay. Do you need company?"  Replied Crystal.

"Nah it's okay." Said M/n with a small smile.

Crystal nodded before walking in alongside Gun.

Watching the two of them walk inside the building M/n's smile dropped as he went behind the building pulling out a smoke.

Fuck i know I still want to get laid again but shit not with that psycho DG.

M/n felt annoyed as he was planning on stopping by at Jay's to be entertained rather than come here.

It's not like DG sucks in bed or anything.. he's actually probably one of the best out of all my partners but still.. he's too clingy.

I thought with a sigh.

"Are you gonna come out and talk or are you just gonna stand there." I said exhaling smoke as I glanced over in the distance.

The blonde slowly walked over with his hands in his pockets.

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