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Y/N waited until Minho finished his ice cream (without any patience)

Y/N: are you done yet???

she sighed.

M: you can't wait for something a single minute, can you?
Y/N: you're right. i can't. hurry uuuuuuppppp!!
M: fine fine.

Minho quickly finished his ice cream so she would stop bothering him (poor Minho)
Y/N wiped away the ice cream left around his mouth.

Y/N: you're all dirty.
M:  so what?
Y/N: so you look like a kid. an you even act like one.
M: yeah i'm a kid.

Minho imitated the "WEEEEEE" sound kids do when they throw a tantrum or simply cry.
Y/N playfully hitted him on his shoulder

M: hey you shouldn't h!t children, that's child 4bu$e.

Y/N: can we go home? I wanna cuddle
M: you already want to go home?
Y/N: yess, i wanna sleep in your armsss
M: alright then.

Minho grabbed her hand and interlocked fingers with her.
Y/N swinged their hands back and forth.
They started walking home, hand in hand. (MANO A MANO I SEE YOU IN SLOW-MO U KNOW YOU'RE IN TROUBLE🗣🗣🗣🔥🔥🔥‼️‼️‼️)
Once they arrived, they entered and walked to the bedroom.
She jumped on the bed and groaned.
He sat next to her and opened his arms waiting for her to hug him.
As soon as she noticed she hugged him and rested her head in his chest.
He hugged her back, tightly.

M: is something wrong? You usually complain when i want to go home and now you complain about staying out.
Y/N: well uhm.. there was a guy staring at me weirdly and it made me feel really uncomfortable..
M: you could have just told me. I would've done something about it.
Y/N: i'm sorry.
M: no, no. You don't have to apologize. Next time just tell me. I will beat up the guy.

She giggled at his response.

Y/N: i will.

She responded with a big smile on her face.
Minho caressed her cheek.

M: i love your smile.

Those four words. I love your smile.
Those words made her smile even more widely and brightly.

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