Where Is She

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Although I managed to finish up practice with the boys, my mind kept drifting to Ruby. She didn't sound alright on the phone and her hanging up on me was a sure sign she was indeed not "fine."

Zayn was helping the guys clean up when I got a call from Drew. Quickly answering, I motioned to Liam that I needed to take this call. He gave me a nod and said he'd wrap everything up and that Zayn was fine.

What's up bro?

Where's Zayn? Where are you?

Hearing the semi-panic in his voice, I knew something was up.

He's here with me. I just finished practice. What's wrong?

I was heading out the bar when I saw Ruby park her car downtown. She didn't go into her studio. She got into another car and just left. Tried calling her, but it went to voicemail.

Did the car look familiar? Of course when Kev is on vacation, this is what she does. I should've got a fill in for him as Wyatt suggested, but Ruby didn't want that. Dammit.

No. It had to be an Uber or something. She was looking around before she got in. You have her location?

What the fuck? Quickly checking my phone, her location could not be found. I ran my hand down my face. This woman.

I can't see her location. I know she went and talked to her mom about a situation, but going MIA like this? I'll find her.

I just wanted to give you the heads up. Let me loop in Lauren because you know how they are.

If I don't have her location neither does Lo.

I get that, bro, but Lo may know where she is or where she could've went.

Fair enough.

Give me a few and I'll call you back. Hell, Lauren may call you herself.

I'm sure she will.

Hang in there, bro. I'm sure she's fine.

Yeah, until I get to her.

I hung up, irritated that she disappeared like this. I tried calling her several times and sure enough, voicemail.

I called her Uncle Pat, hoping he'd give me some clue to where she could've gone. This is why I didn't want her talking ti her mom so immediate about this. I should've gone with her. Fuck.

Waiting for Patrick to answer the phone, I couldn't turn off the thoughts in my head. I wish I could shake off how I was feeling, but not knowing Ruby's location was tripping me out. Her family had a rule, never be unreachable. Why would she think this was okay?

Hello. Colt? You there?

Patrick. Sorry to disturb you.

He chuckled.

You're good. What's up?

Have you talked to Ruby? She's MIA.

No I haven't. What do you mean she's MIA?

Drew just called me saying she parked her car downtown and took off in another vehicle. I can't get her location. He tried calling, so did I. Straight to voicemail. I know I should've had Wyatt send in the backup for Ruby while Kevin and his wife are on vacation the next couple of weeks, but I free'd up my schedule to work around what Ruby has going on.

I know you have, but my niece still finds loopholes to do whatever she wants. That's never going to change.

I know, but I can manage. I just... There's still so much I feel like I don't know Patrick. She just gets in her head and I wish I could just take all her pain away. I haven't called Wyatt. I just wanted to call you first and see if you've heard from her.

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⏰ Last updated: May 13 ⏰

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