“I’ll be back next week before you leave General Berndt.” The man salutes me and I salute back. He takes the car and drives off.

            I turn back to Cassy and grin at her.

            “Well squirt, excited to have your favorite person in the world back?” I say.

            “Hmmm I don’t know. Where is she?” Cassy asks.

            I pout and she grins.

            “Good to see you too.” I say sarcastically.

            Cassy just smiles before looking behind me at the man.

            “Who’s this?” She asks.

            I grab Connor’s hand and pull him up next to me. “This is Connor. He’s going to be staying with us for the whole week.” I say.

            Cassy’s face falls. “The whole week? But then that means it won’t be just you and me.”

            “I know but you see, Connor saved my life and if it hadn’t been for him, I wouldn’t be here today. He’s a nice man and I want to make it up to him. Do you think you can get along with him?” I ask.

            Cassy’s eyes water before she hugs Connor. Connor looks shocked but hugs her back.

            “Thank you. Thank you so much for saving Anna. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.” Cassy just keeps saying thank you while silently crying.

            “You’re welcome. We both would be lost without her.” Connor says this to Cassy but is looking at me.

            I just smile at them and take Cassy from Connor.

            “Don’t worry Cassy. I promise I won’t leave you.” I touch the bracelet that is hanging around my wrist. “Look, I still have the bracelet that you gave me. I never take it off. It lets me know that you’re always with me and that gives me strength.” I say.

            Cassy’s eyes water more but she smiles and nods.

            “Come on, let’s get inside and when we’re done unpacking, we can go grocery shopping to make dinner tonight.” I say.

            Cassy agrees and I lead Connor upstairs to the guest bedroom. We actually have a pretty small house but it’s cozy. Cassy and I have our own bedrooms and a guest bedroom. There are two bathrooms in the house and just the usual kitchen/family room area. The basement is where I train and I use the woods behind our house for more survival training. We live away from everyone else but the town is only a mile away and everyone knows each other. It’s a cute town.

            Once we’re done unpacking, we all walk to the grocery store. We take about an hour to find what we need to make chili. It’s Cassy’s favorite and apparently Connors too. Cassy kept bragging to Connor and saying how she gets straight A’s. Connor looks impressed and said he was a terrible test taker and never did well in classes. I laugh at him as he tells a story about how he pranked all his teachers in high school. Cassy loved them and decided to try a few. I gave her a look and she promised to do only one.

            “So Cassy, how’s Jeremy?” I ask.

            Cassy’s eyes widen as she blushes a bright red. I laugh and Connor smiles, understanding what’s going on.

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