5. Wrong?

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I jerked up from my sleep with a loud bang on my bedroom door, disoriented and blurry-eyed. Rubbing my eyes, I squinted at the clock on my nightstand, noting the early hour of 7 am. Another thunderous bang came through the door, causing me to flinch instinctively. With a groan, I swung my legs over the edge of the bed and shuffled towards the door, my mind still foggy with sleep.

As I opened the bedroom door, I was met with Sophia's furious expression, her eyes ablaze with anger. "ARE YOU FUCKING STUPID?!?!!" she yelled, her voice sharp and filled with frustration, her hands gripping my shoulders and shaking me roughly.

Feeling a surge of fear wash over me, I trembled under Sophia's intense gaze. I tried to gather my thoughts, I think my decision to reject Leo had triggered her. Shit, I messed up. I couldn't help but feel a sinking sensation in the pit of my stomach. The room felt suffocating, the tension palpable as Sophia's anger radiated off her in waves.

"N-No, Sophia, please, let me explain," I stammered, my voice barely above a whisper as I struggled to calm her down.

But Sophia's frustration was palpable as she crossed her arms tightly, her lips pursed in disapproval. "EXPLAIN WHAT? HOW COULD YOU REJECT LEO? I SET UP THAT DATE FOR YOU!" she exclaimed, her voice rising with each word.

My heart raced as I tried to find the right words to convey my feelings without further upsetting her. "I know, but I just didn't feel a connection," I replied, my voice soft but firm, hoping she would understand.

Sophia's eyes widened in disbelief, her frustration evident as she rolled her eyes dramatically. "CONNECTION? ELENA, YOU HAVE TO GIVE HIM A CHANCE! YOU KNOW HOW HARD IT IS FOR ME TO SET YOU UP WITH SOMEONE," she implored, her tone tinged with frustration.

I bit my lip, feeling the weight of Sophia's expectations pressing down on me. "I appreciate it," I reasoned, my voice tinged with apology.

Sophia let out a frustrated sigh, her shoulders slumping in defeat. "You're always so picky. Can't you just try to be more open-minded?" she lamented, her tone a mixture of exasperation and disappointment.

Torn between my feelings and Sophia's wishes, I struggled to find a middle ground. "It's not about being picky, Sophia. I just want to find someone I truly connect with," I explained, my voice gentle but resolute.

But Sophia's pleading eyes bore into mine, her desperation evident as she leaned in closer. "Elena, please, just this once. Do it for me. I promise he's a great guy," she begged, her voice barely above a whisper.

My heart ached and tears started to fill my eyes at Sophia's distress. "Sophia, I'm sorry, but I can't go on a date with Leo," I confessed, my voice filled with remorse.

Her reaction was immediate, her tears spilling over as she turned away from me. "You... you're not going to do this for me?" she whispered, her voice barely audible over the pounding of her heart.

As Sophia stormed off, leaving me alone in the hallway, I stood there feeling overwhelmed by guilt and regret. "I'm sorry, Sophia," I whispered into the emptiness, wishing things could have been different.

As Sophia's figure disappeared through the door, a knot tightened in my stomach, and I hugged myself, feeling the weight of uncertainty settle in. Did I make the right decision? Doubt churned within me, twisting my insides into knots. I couldn't shake the image of Sophia's tear-streaked face from my mind. What if I had been too selfish? What if I had hurt Sophia more than I realized?

Feeling overwhelmed, I sank to the floor, my back against the edge of the bed. Tears welled up in my eyes, blurring my vision as they spilt down my cheeks, hot and unstoppable. My fingers began to fidget, twisting and turning in my lap, searching for an answer. Sophia was my closest friend, practically family. Shouldn't I have considered her feelings more?

My gaze fell to the ground, my shoulders shaking with silent sobs. Maybe I should have tried harder to see things from Sophia's perspective. Maybe there was some middle ground we could have found. I wrapped my arms around myself, seeking comfort in the embrace, but finding none.

But what if Sophia never forgave me? The thought sent a shiver down my spine, and I hugged myself tighter as if trying to ward off the chill that crept into my bones. I couldn't bear the idea of losing Sophia, not after everything we had been through together.

With each sob that racked my body, I felt the weight of my decision crushing me, leaving me feeling utterly lost and alone in the darkness of my own making.


I know it was a short chapter. I hope you've enjoyed reading. Thank you💜✨

Naabot mo na ang dulo ng mga na-publish na parte.

⏰ Huling update: May 01 ⏰

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