Pizza With Apollo

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IMPORTANT Context: you got out of a toxic relationship with an ex a while ago and your friend Apollo is trying to brighten up your day after a harsh week. his only idea was to make pizza but you guys still had a blast.


(Oh and it's his POV)

we finished making the bases and started to put the pizza sauce on when she sprinkled some grated cheese on me. Hiding Her cheeky smile as she turns back to her pizza.I laugh and sprinkle some on her."HEY!" She lets out in laughter.

Somehow it turned into a mini cheese fight we threw cheese at one another, but not long after we started to attack each other's pizzas with toppings too. that was till I threw a pepperoni slice at her.

She went to do the same to me but she spilt some sauce on her favourite white top while trying to sabotage my pizza.

"Shit," she curses.

Turning the tap on to rinse it off I noticed she was standing on her tiptops, I gently grabbed her waist lifting her a bit so she had better reach. "is it coming out?" I ask.

"No, I think it might stain" The worry in her voice peaks with each word. She likes that top a lot. It compliments her figure nicely so I see why.

"Hey, it's ok, if you want you can soak it in the bathroom sink?" I ask trying to reassure it.

"But I don't have a spare top?" She says as I put her down

"You can borrow one of mine"

"Is that ok?" she asks

"Yeah definitely" I smile at her as she heads to the bathroom I quickly put the pizzas in the oven before grabbing a clean shirt from my drawers.

I head to the bathroom to find the door closed. I knocked on the door only to not get an answer. "hey I got you a shirt" but still no answer.

I open the door slightly and throw the t-shirt in, "I'll wait in the lounge for you, feel free to come out when you're ready" I say gently closing the door again. Y/n gets embarrassed easily so I'm not surprised about no reply.

It does surprise me that when I go to turn away I hear a faint "Wait-"

"hmm? what's up?" I ask through the door.

"never mind" she whispers, I take a step back from the door as she opens it.

I look at her standing there in my T-shirt it's so big on her that it could be a dress, god she looks so fucking good in it tho.

"I knew this was a bad idea," she panics as she's about to shut the bathroom door on me, I stop it with my hand. As my other hand finds its way to the top of the door frame. "you look..." I pause as I grab her by the waist pulling her closer to me.

Leaning in closer to her I continue "Really fucking good" I let my eyes wander down to her lips

her face is bright red, and I feel her relaxing in my arm. yet her hands still push me away.

"We should. um, clean the kitchen," she stutters, hiding her face and heading to the kitchen.

I grab her wrist but she lets out a whimper, letting her go Shit "Omg I'm sorry, I didn't mean to hurt you-" I panicked.

"Apollo?" her voice gently breaking my thoughts.


"It's ok, I know you didn't mean it." her smile lit up the room. I went to apologise again but was cut off by a loud beeping.

We stand there confused before y/n panics "The pizza" We both scramble to the kitchen.

I turn the timer off as she gets the pizzas out.

"So..." she mutters out while standing by the counter.

I can't help but chuckle as I walk back over to her. I place my hands on either side of the counter pinning her against it. "Yes?" her face has returned to being bright red.

"Holy fuck" she blurts out. "Getting all flustered again are we?" I smirk yet she pushes me away again. "You don't mean this. So please don't tease me like this"

"Y/n," I pause as I approach her again. "I do mean it"

her hand is shaking as she goes to wipe a tear off her cheek, she's anxious so this isn't the best time? But I have to tell her, I can't let her think I'm using her, not after what her ex did to her.

I hope that fucker hates prison. That fucker could kill himself and I wouldn't feel any pity

"I adore you, I love your gorgeous smile and how your eyes glow as I listen to you talk about your passions, I still love you when you send cat memes to me at 3 am all because you couldn't sleep. If I had the chance to I would cuddle on the couch with you while we watch your favourite movies. if you doubt that I'm not madly in love with you then I have been doing something wrong"

I grab her chin making her look at me. "y/n I don't want to lose you over me pushing a boundary If you don't feel that way about me I will stop. ok?"

She looks surprised, her cheeks are flushed pink, it's sweet. I drop my hand and go back off when I hear her voice chime in. "Apollo,"


"I feel the same, I just-" she stops herself almost like she can't quite word what she wants to say.

"It's ok take your time love."

"I'm scared you will end up like my ex, using me because it's all I'm good for"

I butt in, "Y/n, the pin to my phone is 7264, feel free to go through it anytime."

(disclaimer this is a fake pin please don't try use it)

"I love you y/n. all of you" I can't help but smile when She smiles, giggling as she boops my nose with some pizza sauce. "you egg," she says. I pick her up by the waist and sit her on the bench, pinning her on top of it.

"so does this mean I can call you mine yet, or?" I continue.

"of course it does" she whispers.

~The end~

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