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Sophie Pov:

  I was ten when my mother gave birth to my little sister. I will always remember that day, as the first time I'd hold my sister's small body in my arms. However, it wasn't as joyful as the births of my friends' siblings, which they would explain to me with excitement and happiness.

  In fact, my mother had a total denial of pregnancy. So, we didn't expect a new baby in the family, we weren't ready. I was still happy however, to have a sister, to cuddle her in my arms. She was lucky that our mother didn't smoke nor drink too much, so the baby was fortunately healthy.

  But it wasn't all. I didn't know why, I was just a child after all, I didn't know how that worked, but it seemed even after the birth, my mother was in denial of the baby she just shoved into the world. My father didn't do anything to make me think it wasn't the case for him also.

  I was sleeping next to the crib of my newborn sister in the hospital, so I didn't listen to how my parents decided to keep her. Why would they since they didn't even believe in her existence? It was a full mystery for me, a mystery I'd have liked to pierce before life took her from me.

  It didn't change the fact that when I woke up, I was in the car's backseat, my parents were both there in front and I had my baby sister next to me in a baby rocker. My mother left the hospital immediately when they should have stayed further in the hospital with the baby. In my mother's mind, she didn't have a baby, so she won't stay in the hospital.

  I didn't really know what to do. It was like my parents were deaf when my baby sister was crying out loud, so it was up to me to calm her down, no matter how troublesome it was with the car. While she finally fell asleep, I smiled slightly while stroking the few strands of black hair she had on top of her head.

  When we arrived, my parents went back to their usual chores and activities, not without smiling at me and telling me a few things. But none was about the baby in the car, who had no room prepared due to my mother's denial of pregnancy. Seeing that none of my parents would bulge, my 10-year-old self went on her own to grab the baby rocker in the car (it was offered by the hospital), and slowly walked towards her own room.

  I pushed open my door and softly put down the baby rocker on my bed. I gently pulled my baby sister away from it and twirled her around slightly, looking lovingly at her happy baby face. So, it's with an equally happy smile that I kissed her forehead slightly and lifted her in the air with a laugh.

-"Welcome to your new house, Cassidy!"

  It's only been a few hours since she was born, but I was ready to sacrifice my entire life for her, and to protect her from anyone who dared to harm her. Even if my parents were in a nearby room, even if I used the family's phone to talk endlessly to my friends in excitement about my new sister, it was like it was already only the two of us against the world.

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⏰ Last updated: May 01 ⏰

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