Ꮍ0 - Summer Night Celebration

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It was a few day into the summer and I already grew a longing to see my friends once more. As much as I wanted Audrey and Zima here, I knew my parents would disapprove of my best friends being muggle-born. And Harry might be possible to visit. Though the problem was that his aunt and uncle were jerks to him. I doubt he'd be able to come over. Ron would be a last resort, but since we're associated with the Malfoys and other pure-blood families, my parents would be angry that I associate with "blood-traitors".

So I was left with my first, last and only option, Draco. He and I's friendship is complicated. One of us would get angry at the other, we'd stop talking, then go back to normal a few days later as if nothing happened. But I hate that. Though I know better than to expect an apology from him.

As I got lost in my thoughts, laying on my bed, Windcutter flew in through the window with a letter attached to his leg.

"Who's the note from, silly bird?" I sigh and give him a treat before taking the letter from him.

Beautiful Reina,

We are delighted to come for (Y/n)'s celebration! A new child finishing their first year of school has always been a lovely tradition of the Woodruff's. A shame we can't all experience it here in America.

Nevertheless, we have a son about your daughter's age. I'm sure they'd get along well.

We'd also like to note on the behalf of the Ambrose family, that they will also be attending your daughter's party.

See you in a week darling!

-The Gold Family

Gold family? Who? What? America? 

"Uh... Windcutter, I think you've got the wrong person." 

I was so confused. The Gold family? The Ambrose family? Who are these people? Why was my mother associated with people from America? Were they wizards and witches too?

I neatly placed the note back in the envelope and rushed downstairs to see my mother in the kitchen ordering some of the house-elves around. Next to her was my father scolding Parsley, his face red from anger.

"You belong to my daughter, but that doesn't mean you shouldn't follow my orders!" He snarled at her, holding a rolled up piece of parchment.

"Parsley didn't mean to sir! It was accident, it was! So sorry! I mustn't bring shame upon the Woodruff family!" She squeaked, holding her hands close to her small face.

"Dad? I've got a letter for mum." I peer my head into the kitchen and suddenly he seemed more relaxed.

"Ah. (Y/n). Great. You see Parsley was supposed to have a few letters sent and returned by our owls. But some miscommunication happened and well... You know what happened next." He shrugged as if nothing happened and shoved Parsley back to me. "Reina, dear, the final letter arrived."

"Oh of course. Leave it on the counter." She said without even sparing me a glance.


"So... it was not my letter to read, but what's this about a party? And who are the Gold and Ambrose family?

"Oh dear, you're right. It seems we've forgotten to tell (Y/n) all about it." My father pondered and walked to sit over in the dining room. "Come and sit."

I walked over to him and sat next to him with a bit of wonder and nervousness. "Why does it feel like you're going to reveal a big secret or something?"

𝓗𝓮𝓪𝓻𝓽𝓼 𝓢𝓮𝓽 𝓐𝓫𝓵𝓪𝔃𝓮 (Draco Malfoy x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now