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As I sit in my shelter, watching the rain drip down. I feel something nudge me. I turn around quickly, and once i see it my brain barely has time to process what I'm seeing. All of a sudden I scream "AHHH WHAT THE FUCK-" I point at the monster in front of me. It looked like a cat, but its fur was light green like a sour apple. Like the doors in that room the woman brought me into, he also had flowery designs. This animal seemed to be wearing glasses, and he was flying! It has wings as well! The whiskers are as long and thin as hairs on a human body. The animal in a male voice says "hello! I'm Rolise!" I stare at him for a while and sit back down. "I am here to help! Don't worry, you have me!" He continues "I'm here to guide you~ Luna figured you needed someone to talk too so she sent me, once you die again, my life is gone as well!" He says in such a happy tone. I continue to stare at him. As I let my thoughts swallow me, I think can this "cat" breed? Or does he just... Can he not? All of a sudden I burst out saying "CAN YOU MAKE CHILDREN?" Rolise stares at me. The silence covers the room and you can only hear the rain hitting the ceiling above them. Then Rolise suddenly replies "No, I cannot. I am here to serve and listen to your stupid thoughts all right?" He says in a pissed voice. "Oh" I say disappointed, I was totally expecting more... "WELL WHAT ELSE DO YOU WANT ME TO DO?!? EAT YOU?-" I stare at him weirdly. Rolise stops floating in the air and puts his paws on the ground. "By the way, your new name is Zeke" Rolise says, in a calm voice. Zeke?! Isn't that a guy's name?... OH SHIT, AM I A GUY?!? I look down at my body and notice, I AM A GUY!!! A girl's soul in a boy's body?!? I Begin to touch my body around. Rolise stares at me till I reach out to grab him for no absolute reason. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!?!" Rolise shouts panic and pushes me off him.

After all that madness, Rolise explains to me who I really am. But I don't feel like I am this person. I don't even recognize this person, as I look at myself in a puddle. But one thing I do know, I'm quite handsome! And that's all it takes to get some laddies, right?... Oh what the fuck. I'm not handsome at all! All of a sudden Rolise hides and the door creaks open. A young girl walks in with a hood covering her face. She's wearing all red, like a little red riding hood! Although, her hair was dark and mysterious. She smirks at me once she lands eyes on me. I start to back away from this girl.
"What are you doing here?" She asks confused and tells her head. "Oh, um, I'm just here you know?" I replied. She chuckles and puts her basket on the ground. WHY DOES SHE HAVE A BASKET?!? and how come I didn't notice it? She walks closer to me, she kneels down to my level since I'm sitting down on the dirty ground. She invites me over to her house so I agree because I have no other place to go. She leads me to her home, a big fancy, sky blue, building. IT LOOKED LIKE A FUCKIN MANSION!! Now, I'm excited. I walk right behind her and she opens the door for me. I walk into the house and look around. Am I in a dream?... This for sure has to be a dream, right? Nothing here looks real. The perfectly white, pearl walls stood out to me the most. Something about them seemed extraordinary, and magical. Everything here was white, there was these stairs that looked like they reached all the way to heaven! This looked like a palace, like somewhere a princess would live. The girl showed me where the bathroom was, and said she'll bring me a new of pair of clothes. Even the bathroom was super neat! This girl was definitely a princess of some sort, how could she afford all of this?! Rolise pops out and says "I'm gonna go outside, I don't wanna see you naked" and with that, he opens the door with his paws (somehow). I slowly take off my clothes, holy shit dude, I've never seen a guy's body before... I sigh and look at myself in the mirror. I GOT THE LOOKS!!!

Reborn: A Second Chance.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora