Chapter 4

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"Ur, right, yeah..."I added
"Yk I really missed you, like I remembered when we used to be so close"

My heart skipped a beat
"...I missed u too."

next thing I knew, his hand was on my face
He was grabbing my waist while he pulled in for a kiss

Next thing before he could kiss me

As my dad's voice shattered the moment, panic surged through me like a tidal wave. We both froze, caught in the sudden realization that my dad knew my friend was here.

Frantically, we scrambled to compose ourselves, our hearts pounding in sync with the urgent need to avoid detection.

"I'll go out first and try to distract him," I whispered, my voice barely above a whisper. My friend nodded, his eyes wide with apprehension.

I took a deep breath, steeling myself for whatever confrontation awaited us outside the safety of the room. With trembling hands, I pushed open the closet door and stepped out into the hallway.

My dad was already there; his expression was a mixture of surprise and disapproval. "What's going on here?" he demanded, his voice stern.

I tried to muster up a convincing lie, but the words caught in my throat. My friend stepped out from behind me, his own nerves palpable in the tense silence that hung between us.

"We were just... talking," he offered, his voice strained with uncertainty.

My dad's gaze narrowed, and his suspicions were clearly not assuaged. But before he could press further, a sudden commotion erupted from downstairs, distracting him long enough for us to slip away unnoticed.

As we retreated back into the safety of my room, I couldn't help but feel a sense of relief mingled with apprehension. The close call had left us both shaken, but it also served as a stark reminder of the risks we were taking by being together in secret.

"that was close," he said 

"Yeah, it was."

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