Chapter 1(The new kid)

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As I step my foot into the new high school,
I knew things were about to change ...
I tried to find my locker as I was looking I noticed how everyone was looking at me as if I'm some kind of weirdo

I looked at one of them "can I help you,"
Becky the popular girl
"Mmmm maybe u could
Go back from where u came form"

I just kept walking, this is a new chapter for me so I just shut my mouth n listen to my favorite song by travis Scott

As I was putting my headphones on I found my locker, I added something's to make it easier for me to survive this place

"Heyyy,"a girl appeared out of nowhere
"Uh hi?"
"You need smth?"
I asked
"Heyyy no no I'm Sarah, they are assigned me to show you around,"
"Ohhh yeah,sorry so far I'm just not feeling it"I sighed as I was closing my locker

"First days are tough,dw I'm here to help :>"
She gave a heart warming smile after saying that
"Thank you so much, I kinda need that ngl, oh I moved here from California, NYC is different"

"I mean yeahhh,but it's okay honestly NYC isn't that much different" as she was saying that putting her arm around my shoulder and walking me through the classes

                                [time skip]

As I was walking to catch the train I got me a little snack
Putting my hood on and not letting anyone get to me as I was paying I got a call from my dad

"Hola baby,Hru mi amor"
"Hola papa, I'm good"
"U coming home princess?"
"Si papa it's not like I have friends or anything"
I sighed
"Oii mi amor don't say that Ik it's hard without your mom but she's looking at us from heaven" my dad tried to comfort me

"Si papa ik"
"Okay mi amor come home safely"

The call ended n all I can think of is how is life gonna be like without my mother
As I walk down to the train station n paid for my ticket. I waited for the train to come.
I found a seat, to sit on
As I was sitting down as sort of familiar person in the corner of  my eye
It's Sarah...

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